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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 23, 2013
I have a folder thats very active in iCloud, consistently removing/renaming/adding files. It pains me to open illustrator or Photoshop and find that the file I'm hoping to get to work on has the little cloud icon that means it needs to be downloaded first. For a couple jpegs no drama really - but the big files are killers.

Is there no 'keep this folder downloaded' option or equivalent?

If no, what would an AppleScript (folder actions?) look like that went to my iCloud directory and clicked all the download icons for me on startup/run?

Thank you


macrumors 68040
Jan 19, 2015
Oregon, USA
Have you enabled store Desktop & Documents folders in iCloud (check System Preferences>iCloud>iCloud Drive Options...>Desktop & Documents Folders)? Are the Illustrator & Photoshop file folders stored in the Desktop or Documents folders?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 23, 2013
Hey thanks for the response.

No I haven't - one machine is strictly work, the other is personal/work, so not really suitable in my case. Why? Do those folders stay consistently in sync? I'd imagine so being desktop and documents. I wonder if there is a system action/event that ensures these two folders are in sync..

The work files are just in an iCloud folder.
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