Good points all.
Coming from Java where everything is basically free and open, this closed environment is a total shock.
Plus, why Swift? Why not an open language people already know and use, like Ruby? I can only think this is part culture and part "lock in" (Apple only).
I'll probably send back the iOS dev book I just ordered...
So, if I jailbreak my phone does than mean I can put my own apps on it without the developer subscription?
Just curious.
People have different views over why Swift. Here's my take:
Swift does a couple of things, it's easier to learn and at the same time NOT cross platform. This would do a few things, bring in more "weekend warriors" into iOS, keeping the (fake) gold rush going and at the same time locking out (or trying to) iOS developers from Android (and others).
IMO, Apple knows the value of killer apps. Killer apps like Apple Pay and mobile enterprise can define the future market of mobile devices. This is exactly what happened in the 80's/90's... Lotus 123, WordPerfect, PageMaker. Windows pimp slapped the Mac. It was a second rate OS work-alike that became a standard and made huge money.
We've learned from this the value of having these factors on your side as well as keeping them from being on the side of others (BB, WP, Android,...)
IMO, it's a business move and in part an answer to a question few asked.
The bottom line, as I see it, is that ALL mobile programming languages are mostly a way to get the the APIs. I used:
Repeat Until, Do While, For Next, Perform, and others... they are logic loops, nothing more. Syntax, nothing more.
You can write a great book in French, German, English, Latin,... The story is independent from the language.
Walk down the street, find someone with an iPhone running an app and ask them what language that app is written in, then ask them if they care.
Some might know, most won't care. Fact: Users don't care what language the software is written in. They want it fast, responsive, robust and usually advanced. ... and THEY determine what they download (usually).
I'd wait on sending back the iOS book. This is really a question best answered after you determine what role iOS has in your overall game plan. iOS has a strong following and is aggressive towards new growth markets. ... Also, iOS/ObjC is native code with a strong runtime.
From what I've heard, iOS development rocks vs Android development. The IDE, documentation, etc... but I shelved Android years ago.