Please help me, I have an imac Dv CRT 400MHz, 512 SDRAM, 10 Gb which has always run happily on OS 9. I have tried to install Jaguar and it has been a nightmare. The Jaguar install disk one appeared to install O.K. but the computer never asked for the second disk. I tried about three time from scratch but always the same result. I went back to basics and did restore and install with the factory disk, ran Tectool pro and also the apple hardware disk - no problems detected. Tried again with the Jaguar and I thought I was on a roll as it asked for the second disk when the first finished - I did notice though when it was restarting between disks that there was two strange line just off centre in the 'blue' loading up screen (the one with the progress bar in it). The secnd disk went in O.K. but stopped loading after about five minutes. I fed it in again on a restart and it stopped after about 10 minutes this time. I tried once more and this time it finished installing. When I restarted afterward the strange lines where there on the blue loading screen (one was like a string of yellow boxes and the other was grey boxes). I tried to install the Jaguar updates but the installer just quit everytime I tried. I tried running Disk first aid but I got the shutdown your computer and restart grey page (kernal panic I think) both times I tried. What is going on? P.S. I know the Jaguar disks are good as I used them on my other computer.
Totally a shot in the dark but... do you have the right firmware updates for running OS X on an older iMac? I helped a friend once who needed an update to his Firmware. Check the read me documents on the Jag install discs...
Hello There, Having read all the horror stories about firmware I made sure to update mine before I installed the Jaguar. It has firmware 4.1.9 plus a new battery.
Hello Everyone, It turns out it was bad SDRAM causing the kernal panics. Good enough for OS 9 but not for OS 10 - even though the Apple hardware and Tech tool said it was O.K.