Hello, I have a iMac 20, from early 2008 and i have recently had a disc stuck in the internal Superdrive and i had gone to open the mac to remove the disc stuck in the drive, I had put it back together and powered it back on to be greeted by a Kernel Panic, the computer wont boot to the boot menu where I have tried booting to a USB with Windows 10 as its capable to do so, No keyboard combos work, I had tried removing the hard disk which i had managed to boot to the boot menu finding my USB and selecting, it then freezes.
Help would be Very Much Appreciated and No i do not have the Money to get myself a new mac and it runs perfectly fine (before the kp)
got the kernel logs from a photo i had used Google Lens to extract the text below followed by the original picture.
panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff881cbad38a): "TLB invalidation IPI timeout:" "CPU(s) failed to respond to interrupts, unresponsive CPU bitmap: 0x2, NMIPI acks: orig: 8x8, now: 8x0"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sou
roes, snu/xnu-3248,60,1 Debugger called: <panic
) Backtrace (CPU 8). Frame: Return Address
Bxffffff88b5c7bb58: 0xffffff881cadab52 nach kernel: panic+ 0xe2
Bxffffff88b5c7bbd8: 0xffffff881cbad38a mach kernel: pmap_flush tlbs + 0x71a
Bxffffff88b5c7bc78: 0xffffff881cbadc97 nach kernel: pmap_protect options 8x707 Bxffffff88b5c7bd88: 8xffffff881cb55c89 nach kernel: va_map_protect 8x2c9
Bxffffff88b5c7bd68: 0xffffff881d848185 nach kernel: ZN60SKext25updateLoadedKextSummariesEv+ 8x1c5 Bxffffff88b5c7bde8: 0xffffff881d047d78 mach_kernel : ZN60SKext4LoadEhhP70SArray + 8x6e8
Bxffffff88b5c7be58: 8xffffff881d845472 mach_kernel: ZN60SKext22loadKextWithIdentifierEP80SStringbbhhP70SArray Bxf2 Bxffffff88b5c7bea8: 8xffffff881dBacab8 mach_kernel: ZNK1110Catalogue141sNoduleLoadedEP120SDictionary Oxe8
Bxffffff88b5c7bec8: 8xffffff881d8911d4 mach_kernel: ZN910Service15probeCandidatesEP120SOrderedSet 8x2c4
Bxffffff88b5c7bf38: 8xffffff881d88c51a mach_kernel: ZN910Service14doServiceMatchEJ 8x22a
Bxffffff88b5c7bf78: 8xffffff881d89271c mach_kernel : ZN15_10Config Thread4mainEPvi+ 8x13c call_continuation 8x17
Bxffffff88b5c7bfb8: 0xffffff881cbc9117 mach kernel:
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: keepsyms-1 debug-8x188 -btlfxallowanyaddr ipc_control_port_options=8 -nokcmismatchpanic amfi-0x80 -disable_sidecar_mac
Mac OS version:
Not yet set
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.8: Thu Jun 23 18:25:34 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.68.10-1/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 85AA8E3E-6586-308E-8678-8DCCF81E536C
Kernel slide: 8x888888881c888888
Kernel text base: Bxffffff881ca88888 HIB text base: 8xffffff881c988888
Systen model name: iMac8,1 (Mac-F226BEC8)
Systen uptime in nanoseconds: 5882399149
Debugger not configured. Hanging. Machine-check capabilities: 8x8888888888888886 family: 6 model: 23 stepping: 6 microcode: 1548
signature: 8x18676 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8135 @ 2.40GHz
6 error-reporting banks Processor 8: IA32 NCG STATUS: 8x8888888888888885 IA32 NCB STATUS (8x481): 8xb288884888888888
IA32 MCS STATUS (8x415): 8xb288221824888488 Debugger called: <double panic
Backtrace (CPU 8), Frane: Return Address
Bxffffff888fc3bcc8: 8xffffff881cadb79d mach kernel: panic_display_hibb 8x4bd
Bxffffff888fc3bcf8: 0xffffff881cadaac6 mach kernel:
panic+ 8x56 Bxffffff888fc3bd78: 8xffffff881cbcf1ba nach kernel: panic_64 8xlea
0xffffff881cbecdff nach kernel: hndl_machine_check Bxf
Bxffffff88b5c7b7f8: 0xffffff881cbe3f64 nach kernel: kdp_1386_trap Bxffffff88b5c7b838: 8xffffff881cbce315 nach kernel: kernel_trap 8x535
Bxffffff88b5c7ba18: 0xffffff881cbec563 nach kernel: return_from_trap + 8xe3
Bxffffff88b5c7ba38: Bxffffff881cbd36fe nach kernel: Debugger 8x38e 8xffffff88b5c7bb58: 0xffffff881cadab52 mach_kernel: panic 8xe2
Bxffffff88b5c7bbd8: Bxffffff881cbad38a mach kernel: pnap_flush_tlbs + 8x71a 8xffffff881cbadc97 nach kernel: pnap_protect options 8x787
Bxffffff88b5c7bd88: 8xffffff881cb55c89 nach kernel: vn_map_protect 8x2c9 0xffffff881d048185 nach kernel:
ZN60SKext25updateLoadedKextSummariesEv+ 8x1c5
Bxffffff88b5c7bde8 Bxffffff881d847d78 mach_kernel ZN60SKext4LoadEhhP70SArray 8x6e8 Bxffffff88b5c7be58: Bxffffff881d845472 mach_kernel : ZN60SKext22loadKextWithIdentifierEPBOSStringbbhhP70SArray : 8xffffff881dBacab8
mach_kernel : ZNK1110Catalogue14isNoduleLoadedEP120SDictionary 8xeB
Bxffffff88b5c7bec8: Bxffffff881d8911d4 mach_kernel: ZN910Service15probeCandidatesEP120SOrderedSet 8x2c4
Bxffffff80b5c7bf38: Bxffffff881d88c51a nach kernel: ZN910Service14doServiceMatchEj 8x22a Bxffffff88b5c7bf78: 0xffffff881d89271c nach kernel: ZN15_10Config Thread4nainEPvi 8x13c Bxffffff88b5c7bfb8: Bxffffff881cbc9117 mach_kernel: call continuation 8x17
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Help would be Very Much Appreciated and No i do not have the Money to get myself a new mac and it runs perfectly fine (before the kp)
got the kernel logs from a photo i had used Google Lens to extract the text below followed by the original picture.
panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff881cbad38a): "TLB invalidation IPI timeout:" "CPU(s) failed to respond to interrupts, unresponsive CPU bitmap: 0x2, NMIPI acks: orig: 8x8, now: 8x0"/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sou
roes, snu/xnu-3248,60,1 Debugger called: <panic
) Backtrace (CPU 8). Frame: Return Address
Bxffffff88b5c7bb58: 0xffffff881cadab52 nach kernel: panic+ 0xe2
Bxffffff88b5c7bbd8: 0xffffff881cbad38a mach kernel: pmap_flush tlbs + 0x71a
Bxffffff88b5c7bc78: 0xffffff881cbadc97 nach kernel: pmap_protect options 8x707 Bxffffff88b5c7bd88: 8xffffff881cb55c89 nach kernel: va_map_protect 8x2c9
Bxffffff88b5c7bd68: 0xffffff881d848185 nach kernel: ZN60SKext25updateLoadedKextSummariesEv+ 8x1c5 Bxffffff88b5c7bde8: 0xffffff881d047d78 mach_kernel : ZN60SKext4LoadEhhP70SArray + 8x6e8
Bxffffff88b5c7be58: 8xffffff881d845472 mach_kernel: ZN60SKext22loadKextWithIdentifierEP80SStringbbhhP70SArray Bxf2 Bxffffff88b5c7bea8: 8xffffff881dBacab8 mach_kernel: ZNK1110Catalogue141sNoduleLoadedEP120SDictionary Oxe8
Bxffffff88b5c7bec8: 8xffffff881d8911d4 mach_kernel: ZN910Service15probeCandidatesEP120SOrderedSet 8x2c4
Bxffffff88b5c7bf38: 8xffffff881d88c51a mach_kernel: ZN910Service14doServiceMatchEJ 8x22a
Bxffffff88b5c7bf78: 8xffffff881d89271c mach_kernel : ZN15_10Config Thread4mainEPvi+ 8x13c call_continuation 8x17
Bxffffff88b5c7bfb8: 0xffffff881cbc9117 mach kernel:
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task Boot args: keepsyms-1 debug-8x188 -btlfxallowanyaddr ipc_control_port_options=8 -nokcmismatchpanic amfi-0x80 -disable_sidecar_mac
Mac OS version:
Not yet set
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 15.6.8: Thu Jun 23 18:25:34 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.68.10-1/RELEASE_X86_64 Kernel UUID: 85AA8E3E-6586-308E-8678-8DCCF81E536C
Kernel slide: 8x888888881c888888
Kernel text base: Bxffffff881ca88888 HIB text base: 8xffffff881c988888
Systen model name: iMac8,1 (Mac-F226BEC8)
Systen uptime in nanoseconds: 5882399149
Debugger not configured. Hanging. Machine-check capabilities: 8x8888888888888886 family: 6 model: 23 stepping: 6 microcode: 1548
signature: 8x18676 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8135 @ 2.40GHz
6 error-reporting banks Processor 8: IA32 NCG STATUS: 8x8888888888888885 IA32 NCB STATUS (8x481): 8xb288884888888888
IA32 MCS STATUS (8x415): 8xb288221824888488 Debugger called: <double panic
Backtrace (CPU 8), Frane: Return Address
Bxffffff888fc3bcc8: 8xffffff881cadb79d mach kernel: panic_display_hibb 8x4bd
Bxffffff888fc3bcf8: 0xffffff881cadaac6 mach kernel:
panic+ 8x56 Bxffffff888fc3bd78: 8xffffff881cbcf1ba nach kernel: panic_64 8xlea
0xffffff881cbecdff nach kernel: hndl_machine_check Bxf
Bxffffff88b5c7b7f8: 0xffffff881cbe3f64 nach kernel: kdp_1386_trap Bxffffff88b5c7b838: 8xffffff881cbce315 nach kernel: kernel_trap 8x535
Bxffffff88b5c7ba18: 0xffffff881cbec563 nach kernel: return_from_trap + 8xe3
Bxffffff88b5c7ba38: Bxffffff881cbd36fe nach kernel: Debugger 8x38e 8xffffff88b5c7bb58: 0xffffff881cadab52 mach_kernel: panic 8xe2
Bxffffff88b5c7bbd8: Bxffffff881cbad38a mach kernel: pnap_flush_tlbs + 8x71a 8xffffff881cbadc97 nach kernel: pnap_protect options 8x787
Bxffffff88b5c7bd88: 8xffffff881cb55c89 nach kernel: vn_map_protect 8x2c9 0xffffff881d048185 nach kernel:
ZN60SKext25updateLoadedKextSummariesEv+ 8x1c5
Bxffffff88b5c7bde8 Bxffffff881d847d78 mach_kernel ZN60SKext4LoadEhhP70SArray 8x6e8 Bxffffff88b5c7be58: Bxffffff881d845472 mach_kernel : ZN60SKext22loadKextWithIdentifierEPBOSStringbbhhP70SArray : 8xffffff881dBacab8
mach_kernel : ZNK1110Catalogue14isNoduleLoadedEP120SDictionary 8xeB
Bxffffff88b5c7bec8: Bxffffff881d8911d4 mach_kernel: ZN910Service15probeCandidatesEP120SOrderedSet 8x2c4
Bxffffff80b5c7bf38: Bxffffff881d88c51a nach kernel: ZN910Service14doServiceMatchEj 8x22a Bxffffff88b5c7bf78: 0xffffff881d89271c nach kernel: ZN15_10Config Thread4nainEPvi 8x13c Bxffffff88b5c7bfb8: Bxffffff881cbc9117 mach_kernel: call continuation 8x17
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task