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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 5, 2020
This is the fifth kernel panic I've encountered over the past month or so; it seems to happen at the most random times without a specific action/task causing it (3 times it happened during zoom calls, once during a discord call and one when I was watching youtube). I've tried resetting the NVRAM/PRAM, SMC, running Disk Utility First Aid on all of my drives, running Apple Diagnostics/Hardware Test, and reinstalling macOS. Feeling quite lost here and I'm not sure what's causing my machine to freeze and crash. I've attached the 2 latest panic logs and an EtreCheck log. Would appreciate any help :(

Panic Log 1 (latest)

Panic Log 2 (.ips file from console, truncated due to size)

EtreCheck Log
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