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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 19, 2015
Hi, I have a Macbook Pro mid 2009 15 inch, 8 gb ram installed on OS X El Capitan. Here's the kernel panic log: can anyone help me?

Thu Nov 19 15:16:09 2015

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff80059d6bba): Kernel trap at 0xffffff80059cfe91, type 13=general protection, registers:
CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x00000001195c6004, CR3: 0x00000001ede0a000, CR4: 0x0000000000002660
RAX: 0xdeadbeef00000000, RBX: 0x000002eaf2123788, RCX: 0x00000000dfadbeef, RDX: 0xffffff8017024260
RSP: 0xffffff910fe53e60, RBP: 0xffffff910fe53e90, RSI: 0x000000000013c15f, RDI: 0xffffff8017024260
R8: 0xffffff8018a2b000, R9: 0x0000000000000060, R10: 0x0019ce010019cf00, R11: 0xffffff7f86528018
R12: 0x000002eaf2123749, R13: 0x000002eaf2125e59, R14: 0x0000000000000001, R15: 0xffffff8017024260
RFL: 0x0000000000010086, RIP: 0xffffff80059cfe91, CS: 0x0000000000000008, SS: 0x0000000000000010
Fault CR2: 0x00000001195c6004, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x1, PL: 1

Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff80e6e65df0 : 0xffffff80058e5307
0xffffff80e6e65e70 : 0xffffff80059d6bba
0xffffff80e6e66050 : 0xffffff80059f4313
0xffffff80e6e66070 : 0xffffff80059cfe91
0xffffff910fe53e90 : 0xffffff80059c9c75
0xffffff910fe53eb0 : 0xffffff7f86524f2b
0xffffff910fe53f20 : 0xffffff8005e1b89c
0xffffff910fe53f60 : 0xffffff8005e2afd1
0xffffff910fe53fb0 : 0xffffff80059f4b16
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[EAF1DACC-38A7-3C93-91E3-241D681EAF1C]@0xffffff7f8651e000->0xffffff7f8652afff

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: firefox

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: AB5FC1B4-12E7-311E-8E6F-9023985D8C1D
Kernel slide: 0x0000000005600000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8005800000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8005700000
System model name: MacBookPro5,4 (Mac-F22587A1)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 3208107058863
last loaded kext at 45465508195: 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7f87a20000, size 32768)
last unloaded kext at 138649082833: 900.4.1 (addr 0xffffff7f86f6f000, size 12288)
loaded kexts: 1.70 1.9.5d0 110.20.21 3.0 1 124 272.50.31 1 1.0.1 4.4.2f1 3.6.1 7.0.0 272.50.31 1 208 4.4.2f1 3.1 4.0.0 10.0.0 1.0.0 170.8.1 1.2.13 3.0.4d1 245.4 1.0.0d1 1.0.0 37 245.4 327.5 3.7.1 3.7.7 2.8.0 800.20.24 5.5.2 3.1.5 161.0.0 2.0.22 1.0.1 1.0.1 2.0 1.8 4.0 2.1 4.0 1.7 218.0.0 163 3 8 218.0.0 3.11.33b1 1.0 272.50.31 525 108.0.1 11 1 272.50.31 272.50.31 204.1 1.2.0 4.4.2f1 4.4.2f1 1.0.0 2.2.6 10.0.0 10.0.0
Hi, I have a Macbook Pro mid 2009 15 inch, 8 gb ram installed on OS X El Capitan. Here's the kernel panic log: can anyone help me?

*** Panic Report ***

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: firefox
Turn off hardware acceleration in the Advanced Preferences; uncheck the "Use hardware acceleration when available" option, and restart the browser.

I had the same issue, and used the same fix for Opera and Chrome.
Turn off hardware acceleration in the Advanced Preferences; uncheck the "Use hardware acceleration when available" option, and restart the browser.

I had the same issue, and used the same fix for Opera and Chrome.
Thank you, I'm going to test it now
Turn off hardware acceleration in the Advanced Preferences; uncheck the "Use hardware acceleration when available" option, and restart the browser.

I had the same issue, and used the same fix for Opera and Chrome.
I unchecked it and a minute or two later, another panic occurred. I noticed the bottom of the computer is warm/semi-hot. Would that be a factor?
I unchecked it and a minute or two later, another panic occurred. I noticed the bottom of the computer is warm/semi-hot. Would that be a factor?
Yes, a hot/very warm Mac can cause kernel panics - I keep my rMBP "angled", with an airspace underneath and a small fan blowing. FWIW, I noticed my rMBP is running much cooler since I disabled hardware acceleration. I didn't put it in my OP, try a restart of your Mac as well.

Another suggestion, but more of a PITA - last week, I had issues with kernel panics with Outlook, Firefox, and Opera - each of which had access to accounts in my Keychain Access app, and sometimes Chrome. I reset my login Keychain - that solved my Outlook and Opera panics. It was poring through my Console logs I noticed the hardware acceleration issue - a video would start, invoking a tie to the GPU, and the Mac crashed. I set up a new login Keychain, disabled hardware acceleration - no kernel panics in 9 days now. :whew:

FWIW, I have a Mini Server with the same OS and most of the same apps - but no extra browsers and no Office apps. Not. One. Problem.
Yes, a hot/very warm Mac can cause kernel panics - I keep my rMBP "angled", with an airspace underneath and a small fan blowing. FWIW, I noticed my rMBP is running much cooler since I disabled hardware acceleration. I didn't put it in my OP, try a restart of your Mac as well.

Another suggestion, but more of a PITA - last week, I had issues with kernel panics with Outlook, Firefox, and Opera - each of which had access to accounts in my Keychain Access app, and sometimes Chrome. I reset my login Keychain - that solved my Outlook and Opera panics. It was poring through my Console logs I noticed the hardware acceleration issue - a video would start, invoking a tie to the GPU, and the Mac crashed. I set up a new login Keychain, disabled hardware acceleration - no kernel panics in 9 days now. :whew:

FWIW, I have a Mini Server with the same OS and most of the same apps - but no extra browsers and no Office apps. Not. One. Problem.
i see, thanks for the info! i recently received this macbook pro
dynasty96, you say you "recently received this macbook pro". Has the computer had problems from the very start of when you've received it? If it has worked without problem for a period of time, is there any software or OS update that you've installed after which the kernel panics occur? Does it only happen when Firefox is running? Is there any pattern as to what you're doing when the kernel panics occur? There's also a hardware acceleration option in Flash. Are you viewing Flash videos?
Chiming in one more time, after a crash of Opera last night and then I wrapped for the night. Opera had caused panics recently, until I disabled hardware acceleration. Last night I watched a short Vimeo video, one posted by Readdle here and on their site about the update of Spark - the appearance and playback on their site was terrible, but worked on this site - then Opera crashed, but didn't take down the System. I use Opera only for this forum and light related browsing (the latter in Private mode), but nothing else.

Of interest to me was the Crash Report - Opera's crash was related to SIP.

FWIW, Flash has been banned from my Macs, except in Chrome and only when used in a Standard User Account. I've had zero issues with Chrome & FF since disabling hardware acceleration.
dynasty96, you say you "recently received this macbook pro". Has the computer had problems from the very start of when you've received it? If it has worked without problem for a period of time, is there any software or OS update that you've installed after which the kernel panics occur? Does it only happen when Firefox is running? Is there any pattern as to what you're doing when the kernel panics occur? There's also a hardware acceleration option in Flash. Are you viewing Flash videos?
When i received it, the first two days or so, i had no issues. I received it with the latest update already installed and i tried to reinstall capitan and i still received panics. I think it happens in
dynasty96, you say you "recently received this macbook pro". Has the computer had problems from the very start of when you've received it? If it has worked without problem for a period of time, is there any software or OS update that you've installed after which the kernel panics occur? Does it only happen when Firefox is running? Is there any pattern as to what you're doing when the kernel panics occur? There's also a hardware acceleration option in Flash. Are you viewing Flash videos?
It worked well for a day or two then I started experiencing it. I reinstalled os x captain and I was fine for 2 days then bang kernel panic. It happens mostly when im watching video and through any browser. Today it kept panicking over and over, one time i wasnt even watching video. I think maybe i should downgrade software?
If the only programs you've installed are other browsers and if you haven't installed extensions or the like, I think it would be more likely you have a hardware problem than an OSX problem, especially since this is a six-year old (more or less) computer that you've just recently acquired.

Couple things to try: Go into System Preferences -> Energy Saver. You should have a choice of Graphics: Better battery life or Higher performance. Choose the one that is not currently selected. You then have to log off and back on again to activate the change.

Turn off hardware acceleration in Flash.

I don't have high confidence that any of these will work but they're pretty easy to try.

I would also try doing the Apple Hardware Test
dynasty96, you say you "recently received this macbook pro". Has the computer had problems from the very start of when you've received it? If it has worked without problem for a period of time, is there any software or OS update that you've installed after which the kernel panics occur? Does it only happen when Firefox is running? Is there any pattern as to what you're doing when the kernel panics occur? There's also a hardware acceleration option in Flash. Are you viewing Flash videos?
When i received it, the first two days or so, i had no issues. I received it with the latest update already installed and i tried to reinstall capitan and i still received panics. I think it happens in
Chiming in one more time, after a crash of Opera last night and then I wrapped for the night. Opera had caused panics recently, until I disabled hardware acceleration. Last night I watched a short Vimeo video, one posted by Readdle here and on their site about the update of Spark - the appearance and playback on their site was terrible, but worked on this site - then Opera crashed, but didn't take down the System. I use Opera only for this forum and light related browsing (the latter in Private mode), but nothing else.

Of interest to me was the Crash Report - Opera's crash was related to SIP.

FWIW, Flash has been banned from my Macs, except in Chrome and only when used in a Standard User Account. I've had zero issues with Chrome & FF since disabling hardware acceleration.
I may try out chrome again
If the only programs you've installed are other browsers and if you haven't installed extensions or the like, I think it would be more likely you have a hardware problem than an OSX problem, especially since this is a six-year old (more or less) computer that you've just recently acquired.

Couple things to try: Go into System Preferences -> Energy Saver. You should have a choice of Graphics: Better battery life or Higher performance. Choose the one that is not currently selected. You then have to log off and back on again to activate the change.

Turn off hardware acceleration in Flash.

I don't have high confidence that any of these will work but they're pretty easy to try.

I would also try doing the Apple Hardware Test
I've been trying to do the "hold d on startup" but that doesn't work for me. I Took out a stick of ram and it still panicked. So i figured it wasnt ram.
I've been trying to do the "hold d on startup" but that doesn't work for me.
AHT will not work that way for you because you have a Macbook Pro mid 2009 that shipped with OS 10.5 or 10.6. You need the Applications Install Disc 2 that shipped with your MBP.

Here are some instructions:

Here are some step from the above link:
Using Apple Hardware Test on computers with OS X v10.7 and earlier:
1. To start AHT on these computers make sure the Applications Install Disc 2 is inserted into the built-in optical drive

2. Shut down your computer. Then, press the power button to turn it back on.

3. Press and hold the D key before the gray startup screen appears.

4. It takes a minute or so for AHT to start up and inspect your hardware configuration.

5. When the process is complete, select your language and click the right arrow. If you aren't using a mouse, you can use the up and down arrows to select a language and then press the Return key.

6. The AHT console appears. You can choose which sort of test or tests to perform:
To perform all of the basic tests, click the Test button or press the "T" key or the Return key.
To perform a more thorough diagnostic test, select the "Perform extended testing" checkbox under the Test button before you click the Test button.
Note: Your test results will appear in the window in the bottom-right of the console.

7. To exit AHT, click Restart or Shut Down at the bottom of the window.

Apple Diagnostics: Reference codes:
dynasty96, you say you "recently received this macbook pro". Has the computer had problems from the very start of when you've received it? If it has worked without problem for a period of time, is there any software or OS update that you've installed after which the kernel panics occur? Does it only happen when Firefox is running? Is there any pattern as to what you're doing when the kernel panics occur? There's also a hardware acceleration option in Flash. Are you viewing Flash videos?
When i received it, the first two days or so, i had no issues. I received it with the latest update already installed and i tried to reinstall capitan and i still received panics. I think it happens in any browser, more frequent whi
AHT will not work that way for you because you have a Macbook Pro mid 2009 that shipped with OS 10.5 or 10.6. You need the Applications Install Disc 2 that shipped with your MBP.

Here are some instructions:

Here are some step from the above link:
Using Apple Hardware Test on computers with OS X v10.7 and earlier:
1. To start AHT on these computers make sure the Applications Install Disc 2 is inserted into the built-in optical drive

2. Shut down your computer. Then, press the power button to turn it back on.

3. Press and hold the D key before the gray startup screen appears.

4. It takes a minute or so for AHT to start up and inspect your hardware configuration.

5. When the process is complete, select your language and click the right arrow. If you aren't using a mouse, you can use the up and down arrows to select a language and then press the Return key.

6. The AHT console appears. You can choose which sort of test or tests to perform:
To perform all of the basic tests, click the Test button or press the "T" key or the Return key.
To perform a more thorough diagnostic test, select the "Perform extended testing" checkbox under the Test button before you click the Test button.
Note: Your test results will appear in the window in the bottom-right of the console.

7. To exit AHT, click Restart or Shut Down at the bottom of the window.

Apple Diagnostics: Reference codes:
thing is, i don't have the disks :( i got this third-party. It only panics while watching video, just happened now. Heres the latest log :

Anonymous UUID: DF0E1B8C-88B7-22F3-0CEB-02F21D8129F9

Fri Nov 20 19:06:55 2015

*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff8007bd767a): "Double fault at 0xffffff8007bf3d84, registers:\n" "CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0xffffff9127c37fe8, CR3: 0x0000000210bd0000, CR4: 0x0000000000002660\n" "RAX: 0x00000000e9038000, RBX: 0xffffff8019b78180, RCX: 0x00000000c0000101, RDX: 0x00000000ffffff80\n" "RSP: 0xffffff9127c37ff8, RBP: 0xffffff9127c3bfb0, RSI: 0xffffff8007bd7340, RDI: 0x0000000000000003\n" "R8: 0xfffffffeffffffff, R9: 0x0000000000000006, R10: 0x0000000000000000, R11: 0x0000000000000000\n" "R12: 0x000000000000000e, R13: 0xffffff801a33b6d0, R14: 0x0000000000000000, R15: 0x0000000000000006\n" "RFL: 0x0000000000010092, RIP: 0xffffff8007bf3d84, CS: 0x0000000000000008, SS: 0x0000000000000000\n" "Error code: 0x0000000000000000\n"@/Library/Caches/
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff80e9043cf0 : 0xffffff8007ae5307
0xffffff80e9043d70 : 0xffffff8007bd767a
0xffffff80e9043ed0 : 0xffffff8007bf4bcf
0xffffff9127c3bfb0 : 0xffffff8007bf4225

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 15.0.0: Sat Sep 19 15:53:46 PDT 2015; root:xnu-3247.10.11~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: AB5FC1B4-12E7-311E-8E6F-9023985D8C1D
Kernel slide: 0x0000000007800000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8007a00000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8007900000
System model name: MacBookPro5,4 (Mac-F22587A1)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 152952953406
last loaded kext at 44817022639: 1.70 (addr 0xffffff7f89c20000, size 32768)
loaded kexts: 1.70 1.9.5d0 1.0.2d2 110.20.21 3.0 1 124 272.50.31 272.50.31 272.50.31 1 3.6.1 1.0.1 4.4.2f1 7.0.0 1 10.0.0 170.8.1 1.0.0 4.0.0 4.1.0 1.2.13 3.11.33b1 4.4.2f1 10.0.6 208 3.1 3.0.4d1 245.4 4.4.2f1 517 245.4 245.4 3.0.1 1.0.0d1 1.0.0 37 327.5 3.7.1 3.7.1 3.7.7 2.8.0 800.20.24 5.5.2 3.1.5 2.0.22 161.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.1 2.0 1.8 4.0 2.1 4.0 1.7 218.0.0 163 3 8 218.0.0 3.11.33b1 1.0 272.50.31 525 108.0.1 11 1 10.0.0 10.0.0 1.0.0 1.0.14d1 1.0.0 272.50.31 272.50.31 204.1 1.2.0 1.0.14d1 1.1.0 3.11.33b1 4.4.2f1 4.4.2f1 2.4.1 2.4.1 6.0.0d7 3.1.9 2.2.6 250.4 517 1.0.1 900.4.1 4.0.0 3.7.7 1.0.0 3.7.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.0.1 2.6.2 3.7.7 3 1101.24 1.0.4 4.5.8 2.8.0 3.2 900.4.1 1.0.1 1.0.1 2.2.9 900.4.1 1.0.1 1.0.1 2.0 2.0 2.0.0 1.1 300.0 1.0.0d1 2 1.0.5 1.0 415 2.1 31 28.30 4.0 2.9 1.4 1 1 1.0
Model: MacBookPro5,4, BootROM MBP53.00AC.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.53 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.49f2
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531533643465238432D50422020
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435434473353313036374D2E4D3136464D52
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 4.4.2f1 16391, 3 services, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545025B9SA02, 250.06 GB
Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-868
USB Device: USB 2.0 Bus
USB Device: Card Reader
USB Device: USB 2.0 Bus
USB Device: Built-in iSight
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
USB Device: IR Receiver
USB Device: USB Bus
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Thunderbolt Bus:
I take it you tried the energy saver and the flash acceleration (if you have flash) tips and they didn't work.

Taking out one of the memory modules was a good thing to try. You might want to try taking out the other memory module and replacing it with the 2nd memory module.

The Apple instructions on the link I gave wasn't very clear. In any case, since you don't have the original disks, you might want to try (hopefully you have a spare USB flash drive handy):

You have the MacBookPro5,4 (Mac-F22587A1) so you don't need to go through the steps to identify which file you need.

Disclaimer: I haven't gone through this process so I have no idea if it works.
I take it you tried the energy saver and the flash acceleration (if you have flash) tips and they didn't work.

Taking out one of the memory modules was a good thing to try. You might want to try taking out the other memory module and replacing it with the 2nd memory module.

The Apple instructions on the link I gave wasn't very clear. In any case, since you don't have the original disks, you might want to try (hopefully you have a spare USB flash drive handy):

You have the MacBookPro5,4 (Mac-F22587A1) so you don't need to go through the steps to identify which file you need.

Disclaimer: I haven't gone through this process so I have no idea if it works.
I did try the energy saver and flash acceleration. I tried that link you gave me and i downloaded the correct dmg for my laptop (but of course things never work out well) and when i open the "Core services" folder, there's no file. The diagnostics file should be in there but isn't. I also downloaded a different folder to see if it was in there and there was not. By the way thank you guys for trying to help out! its appreciated
I downloaded the .dmg and the files in CoreServices are hidden, but there are 9MB of files there. The instructions in:
says to run: "cp -r /Volumes/AHT/System /Volumes/USBstick/" where USBstick is the name of your USB drive

but from what I see, that should be "/Volumes/AHTCOne/System", not "/Volumes/AHT/System"

I'm pretty sure you'll need to use Terminal to run the commands in the instructions (that's what I use, not sure if there's some other way to run them). I don't think simply copying the files will work.
I downloaded the .dmg and the files in CoreServices are hidden, but there are 9MB of files there. The instructions in:
says to run: "cp -r /Volumes/AHT/System /Volumes/USBstick/" where USBstick is the name of your USB drive

but from what I see, that should be "/Volumes/AHTCOne/System", not "/Volumes/AHT/System"

I'm pretty sure you'll need to use Terminal to run the commands in the instructions (that's what I use, not sure if there's some other way to run them). I don't think simply copying the files will work.
i ran the commands and in sudo, i entered my password and got this message "
Error while getting file ID of /volumes/usbstick/system/library/coreservices/.diagnostics/diags.efi. Ignoring...". Probably means it can't get the drag file?
I followed the instructions in the linked article, running the commands on my Mac Mini (which runs El Capitan). I downloaded the .dmg for my 2007 MacBook. The USB stick showed up as bootable and in selecting it, it went into the Apple Hardware Test. (It's been a while since I've run the test so I ran it for the heck of it.)

If I run the bless command with the incorrect file name, I get the "Error while getting file ID" message. Make sure "USBStick" is replaced by whatever your USB drive name is. Most people don't select case sensitivity when partitioning a drive but if it is with yours, then that could cause an issue because "volumes" should be "Volumes", etc. What you can do is run the command:

ls /Volumes/[your usb drive name]/System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics/diags.efi

and if the "No such file or directory" message comes up, you have the incorrect file name. If you have the correct file name, it will just display the full path of the file.

Also, as I was trying this on my computers, it didn't boot the first time because I had the wrong partition type. If you run the Disk Utility app and select the USB drive, the "Partition Map" should say "GUID Partition Map". If this is not the case, you need to erase the USB flash drive and make sure the Format is "OS X Extended (Journaled)" and the scheme is "GUID Partition Map".
I followed the instructions in the linked article, running the commands on my Mac Mini (which runs El Capitan). I downloaded the .dmg for my 2007 MacBook. The USB stick showed up as bootable and in selecting it, it went into the Apple Hardware Test. (It's been a while since I've run the test so I ran it for the heck of it.)

If I run the bless command with the incorrect file name, I get the "Error while getting file ID" message. Make sure "USBStick" is replaced by whatever your USB drive name is. Most people don't select case sensitivity when partitioning a drive but if it is with yours, then that could cause an issue because "volumes" should be "Volumes", etc. What you can do is run the command:

ls /Volumes/[your usb drive name]/System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics/diags.efi

and if the "No such file or directory" message comes up, you have the incorrect file name. If you have the correct file name, it will just display the full path of the file.

Also, as I was trying this on my computers, it didn't boot the first time because I had the wrong partition type. If you run the Disk Utility app and select the USB drive, the "Partition Map" should say "GUID Partition Map". If this is not the case, you need to erase the USB flash drive and make sure the Format is "OS X Extended (Journaled)" and the scheme is "GUID Partition Map".
You sir, are a wizard lol it worked. So i did the short test and it said no error. Im now running the extended test
Yes, a hot/very warm Mac can cause kernel panics - I keep my rMBP "angled", with an airspace underneath and a small fan blowing. FWIW, I noticed my rMBP is running much cooler since I disabled hardware acceleration. I didn't put it in my OP, try a restart of your Mac as well.

Another suggestion, but more of a PITA - last week, I had issues with kernel panics with Outlook, Firefox, and Opera - each of which had access to accounts in my Keychain Access app, and sometimes Chrome. I reset my login Keychain - that solved my Outlook and Opera panics. It was poring through my Console logs I noticed the hardware acceleration issue - a video would start, invoking a tie to the GPU, and the Mac crashed. I set up a new login Keychain, disabled hardware acceleration - no kernel panics in 9 days now. :whew:

FWIW, I have a Mini Server with the same OS and most of the same apps - but no extra browsers and no Office apps. Not. One. Problem.

I could be having the same issue. By setting up a new login keychain, do you mean you reset the whole keychain? What steps did you take to do this?
I followed the instructions in the linked article, running the commands on my Mac Mini (which runs El Capitan). I downloaded the .dmg for my 2007 MacBook. The USB stick showed up as bootable and in selecting it, it went into the Apple Hardware Test. (It's been a while since I've run the test so I ran it for the heck of it.)

If I run the bless command with the incorrect file name, I get the "Error while getting file ID" message. Make sure "USBStick" is replaced by whatever your USB drive name is. Most people don't select case sensitivity when partitioning a drive but if it is with yours, then that could cause an issue because "volumes" should be "Volumes", etc. What you can do is run the command:

ls /Volumes/[your usb drive name]/System/Library/CoreServices/.diagnostics/diags.efi

and if the "No such file or directory" message comes up, you have the incorrect file name. If you have the correct file name, it will just display the full path of the file.

Also, as I was trying this on my computers, it didn't boot the first time because I had the wrong partition type. If you run the Disk Utility app and select the USB drive, the "Partition Map" should say "GUID Partition Map". If this is not the case, you need to erase the USB flash drive and make sure the Format is "OS X Extended (Journaled)" and the scheme is "GUID Partition Map".
said nothing is wrong with the hardware. Im going to watch the boxing fight tonight live streamed, so im going to see if theres an issue
If the Hardware Test were to report an error, there's a very high probability that there is an error. However, a clean test doesn't always mean that there isn't a problem. But doing more extensive testing of memory and the hard disk (it looks like you have the original hard disk which is 6 years old) requires a bit of work and some software you'll have to download so you should probably try other things that are easier to do.

Some easier things to do:


Reset SMC (this is more involved and you should read the entire article before deciding if you want to do it or not):

If the kernel panics are happening when you're running on battery, you can try running it on AC power.

Try running a video locally (using QuickTime or whatever), not over the web, if you have such a file.

Reset the keychain - I don't think this will help in this situation. campyguy reset the keychain but almost certainly turning off hardware acceleration is what did the trick. But here's the article on the resetting the keychain

If you just want to leave the computer alone until after the boxing match, I can understand. I was watching a football game today on TV and the feed must have gone bad so I missed just about half the game and I was not happy (had to listen over the Internet).
If the Hardware Test were to report an error, there's a very high probability that there is an error. However, a clean test doesn't always mean that there isn't a problem. But doing more extensive testing of memory and the hard disk (it looks like you have the original hard disk which is 6 years old) requires a bit of work and some software you'll have to download so you should probably try other things that are easier to do.

Some easier things to do:


Reset SMC (this is more involved and you should read the entire article before deciding if you want to do it or not):

If the kernel panics are happening when you're running on battery, you can try running it on AC power.

Try running a video locally (using QuickTime or whatever), not over the web, if you have such a file.

Reset the keychain - I don't think this will help in this situation. campyguy reset the keychain but almost certainly turning off hardware acceleration is what did the trick. But here's the article on the resetting the keychain

If you just want to leave the computer alone until after the boxing match, I can understand. I was watching a football game today on TV and the feed must have gone bad so I missed just about half the game and I was not happy (had to listen over the Internet).
i will try this after the match lol i was thinking about getting an ssd honestly in the near future
I could be having the same issue. By setting up a new login keychain, do you mean you reset the whole keychain? What steps did you take to do this?
Just the "login" Keychain. Open Keychain Access, the "login" Keychain should be selected by default. Open the app's Preferences, and there's a option button for "Reset My Default Keychain" - that's what I did. Your "old" login Keychain is saved, and a new "blank" login Keychain is created. You'll log in to each application that you use that uses login credentials and, as you log in, a new login Keychain Item is created in your login Keychain.

I don't know, but I'm surmising that there's issues with 3rd-party applications accessing Keychain login items when one upgrades from OSes prior to and including Yosemite - not clean installs El Capitan. I had issues with every single upgraded Mac, but not one with clean installs. I'm going to perform clean installs after 10.11.2 hits the interwebs.

I had issues with every single Mac that had 3rd-party apps that accessed the GPU or the login Keychain. Resetting the Default (login) Keychain seems to have staved off the need for immediate clean installs - since I did that on our Macs, FF hung once and Outlook 2016 hung once - and zero panics, on both 10.11.1 and 10.11.2B3. :no jinxing: :knock on wood:
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