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macrumors G3
Original poster
Nov 23, 2011
Hey guys,

Hope you're well. I'm randomly getting kernel panics when using FCPX. I'd maybe say once an hour. Doesn't matter if I'm using background rendering or not. FCPX will crash (spinning wheel), the rest of the OS will become unresponsive to input, then the cursor will freeze and the system panic/restart.

macOS 14.1.2 (23B92)
MacBook Pro 16-inch, 2019

2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 4 GB
16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4

Example log below. Please let me know if anything stands out. Thanks!

panic(cpu 8 caller 0xffffff801625c89b): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from WindowServer (4 induced crashes) in 120 seconds
service: logd, total successful checkins in 9437 seconds: 864, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: WindowServer (4 induced crashes), total successful checkins in 9403 seconds: 840, last successful checkin: 120 seconds ago
service: remoted, total successful checkins in 9437 seconds: 862, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: opendirectoryd, total successful checkins in 9437 seconds: 863, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: configd, total successful checkins in 9437 seconds: 863, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago

Panicked task 0xffffffa58cc22848: 3 threads: pid 117: watchdogd
Backtrace (CPU 8), panicked thread: 0xffffffaf2458e598, Frame : Return Address
0xfffffffe00307510 : 0xffffff801363aca1
0xfffffffe00307560 : 0xffffff80137993c0
0xfffffffe003075a0 : 0xffffff8013788b0c
0xfffffffe00307620 : 0xffffff80135d7971
0xfffffffe00307640 : 0xffffff801363af8d
0xfffffffe00307730 : 0xffffff801363a633
0xfffffffe00307790 : 0xffffff8013dd96de
0xfffffffe00307880 : 0xffffff801625c89b
0xfffffffe00307890 : 0xffffff801625c364
0xfffffffe003078b0 : 0xffffff801625b42b
0xfffffffe003079e0 : 0xffffff8013d4ee56
0xfffffffe00307a10 : 0xffffff8013d4f1cd
0xfffffffe00307b80 : 0xffffff80137445df
0xfffffffe00307ca0 : 0xffffff80136138a0
0xfffffffe00307d60 : 0xffffff801362b6b8
0xfffffffe00307dd0 : 0xffffff801362bd28
0xfffffffe00307ef0 : 0xffffff801376e102
0xfffffffe00307fa0 : 0xffffff80135d7dd6
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[F1797B78-7645-3FC6-AD29-624DD0826DA0]@0xffffff801625a000->0xffffff801625cfff

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffffaf2458e598): watchdogd

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 23.1.0: Mon Oct  9 21:27:27 PDT 2023; root:xnu-10002.41.9~6/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 7C8FE931-57C6-38AD-9EBB-CC5572293AE6
roots installed: 0
KernelCache slide: 0x0000000013200000
KernelCache base:  0xffffff8013400000
Kernel slide:      0x00000000132e0000
Kernel text base:  0xffffff80134e0000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff8013300000
System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
System shutdown begun: NO
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 9437283625184
Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
  Uptime  : 0x0000089549f0348e
  Sleep   : 0x0000060ed3050bd0 0x000011ca788c54bc 0x0000049c2bdfc406
  Wake    : 0x0000060f0732193d 0x000015641c2c24bc 0x0000060ee675a271
Compressor Info: 1% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 2% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Zone info:
  Zone map: 0xffffff9a567dd000 - 0xffffffba567dd000
  . PGZ   : 0xffffff9a567dd000 - 0xffffff9a587de000
  . VM    : 0xffffff9a587de000 - 0xffffff9f24fdd000
  . RO    : 0xffffff9f24fdd000 - 0xffffffa0be7dd000
  . GEN0  : 0xffffffa0be7dd000 - 0xffffffa58afdd000
  . GEN1  : 0xffffffa58afdd000 - 0xffffffaa577dd000
  . GEN2  : 0xffffffaa577dd000 - 0xffffffaf23fdd000
  . GEN3  : 0xffffffaf23fdd000 - 0xffffffb3f07dd000
  . DATA  : 0xffffffb3f07dd000 - 0xffffffba567dd000
  Metadata: 0xffffffe9dceb6000 - 0xffffffe9fceb6000
  Bitmaps : 0xffffffe9fceb6000 - 0xffffffe9ffeb6000
  Extra   : 0 - 0

last started kext at 6662127188564: >!UAudio    610.3 (addr 0xffffff7fa828b000, size 335872)
last stopped kext at 6829804822844: >!UAudio    610.3 (addr 0xffffff7fa828b000, size 335872)
loaded kexts:
com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower    2
>!AHIDALSService    1
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver    7400.26
>AGPM    135
>!APlatformEnabler    2.7.0d0
>X86PlatformShim    1.0.0
@kext.AMDRadeonX6000    5.0.1
@filesystems.autofs    3.0
>!AUpstreamUserClient    3.6.11
>!ABridgeAudio!C    400.1
@kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager    5.0.1
>!AGFXHDA    300.1
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy    8.1.9
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics    8.1.9
>!A!IKBLGraphics    22.0.1
>pmtelemetry    1
@filesystems.nfs    1
|IOUserEthernet    1.0.1
>usb.!UUserHCI    1
>!ASunrise    1
>!AHV    1
>!AMuxControl2    8.1.9
>AGDCBacklightControl    8.1.9
>BridgeAudioCommunication    400.1
>!AAVEBridge    6.1
>!AMCCSControl    1.17
>!A!IPCHPMC    2.0.1
>!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer    22.0.1
>!AThunderboltIP    4.0.3
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking    4.0.0
>BCMWLANFirmware4388.Hashstore    1
>BCMWLANFirmware4387.Hashstore    1
>BCMWLANFirmware4378.Hashstore    1
>BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore    1
>BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore    1
>BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore    1
>!AFileSystemDriver    3.0.1
@filesystems.tmpfs    1
@filesystems.lifs    1
@filesystems.hfs.kext    650.0.2
@BootCache    40
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib    1.0.0
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless    1.0.0d1
@filesystems.apfs    2235.41.1
>!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIeMac    1
@private.KextAudit    1.0
>!ASmartBatteryManager    161.0.0
>!AACPIButtons    6.1
>!ASMBIOS    2.1
>!AACPIEC    6.1
>!AAPIC    1.7
@!ASystemPolicy    2.0.0
@nke.applicationfirewall    404
|IOKitRegistryCompatibility    1
|EndpointSecurity    1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X    7.0.0
>!ADiskImages2    273
@kec.!AEncryptedArchive    1
>!AActuatorDriver    7400.42
>!AHIDKeyboard    7400.2
>!AMultitouchDriver    7400.42
>!AInputDeviceSupport    7410.1
>!AHS!BDriver    7400.26
>IO!BHIDDriver    9.0.0
>!AAudioClockLibs    300.1
@kext.AMDRadeonX6100HWLibs    1.0
@kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWServices    5.0.1
>!A!ILpssUARTv1    3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon    3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial    1.0
|IOAudio!F    500.4
@vecLib.kext    1.2.0
@kext.triggers    1.0
>IOHIDPowerSource    1
>!ACallbackPowerSource    1
|IOAVB!F    1200.18
>!ARSMChannel    1
|IORSM!F    1
>!AIPAppender    1.0
>!AGraphicsControl    8.1.9
@kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer    5.0.1
@kext.AMDSupport    5.0.1
>X86PlatformPlugin    1.0.0
>driverkit.serial    6.0.0
>!ABacklightExpert    1.1.0
|IONDRVSupport    598
>!ASMBus!C    1.0.18d1
>IOPlatformPlugin!F    6.0.0d8
|IOAccelerator!F2    481.0.1
>!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter    8.5.1
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin    1200.91
@!AGPUWrangler    8.1.9
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl    8.1.9
|IOGraphics!F    598
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F    1.0.0
>usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice    1.2
>usb.cdc.ecm    5.0.0
>usb.cdc.ncm    5.0.0
>usb.cdc    5.0.0
>usb.networking    5.0.0
>usb.!UHostCompositeDevice    1.2
>!ABSDKextStarter    3
|IOSurface    352.0.3
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext    1
>!ASyntheticGame!C    11.1.9
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter    8.5.1
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F    8.5.1
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter    4.1.1
>!AHPM    3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C    3.0.60
>!A!ILpssI2C    3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac    3.0.60
>!AXsanScheme    3
>!AThunderboltNHI    7.2.81
|IOThunderbolt!F    9.3.3
>usb.!UVHCIBCE    1.2
>usb.!UVHCICommonBCE    1.0
>usb.!UVHCI    1.2
>usb.!UVHCICommon    1.0
>!AEffaceableNOR    1.0
|IONVMe!F    2.1.0
|IOBufferCopy!C    1.1.0
|IOBufferCopyEngine!F    1
>!ABCMWLANCoreMac    1.0.0
|IO80211!F    1200.13.0
>IOImageLoader    1.0.0
>!AOLYHALMac    1
|IOSerial!F    11
>corecapture    1.0.4
>usb.!UHostPacketFilter    1.0
|IOUSB!F    900.4.2
>usb.!UXHCIPCI    1.2
>usb.!UXHCI    1.2
>!AEFINVRAM    2.1
>!AEFIRuntime    2.1
>!ASMCRTC    1.0
|IOSMBus!F    1.1
|IOHID!F    2.0.0
|IOTimeSync!F    1200.91
|IOSkywalk!F    1.0
>mDNSOffloadUserClient    1.0.1b8
|IONetworking!F    3.4
>DiskImages    493.0.0
|IO!B!F    9.0.0
|IOReport!F    47
$quarantine    4
$sandbox    300.0
@kext.!AMatch    1.0.0d1
>!ASSE    1.0
>!ALockdownMode    1
>!AKeyStore    2
>!UTDM    556
|IOUSBMass!SDriver    243
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice    492
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F    492
>!AFDEKeyStore    28.30
>!AEffaceable!S    1.0
|IO!S!F    2.1
>!ACyrus    1
>!ACredentialManager    1.0
>KernelRelayHost    1
|IOUSBHost!F    1.2
>!UHostMergeProperties    1.2
>usb.!UCommon    1.0
>!AMobileFileIntegrity    1.0.5
$!AImage4    5.0.0
@kext.CoreTrust    1
|CoreAnalytics!F    1
>!ABusPower!C    1.0
>!ASEPManager    1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor    1
>!AACPIPlatform    6.1
>!ASMC    3.1.9
|IOPCI!F    2.9
|IOACPI!F    1.4
>watchdog    1
@kec.pthread    1
@kec.XrtHostedXnu    1
@kec.Libm    1
@kec.Compression    1.0
@kec.corecrypto    14.0
Which version of FCPX?

Open Activity Monitor and select Window > CPU Usage

Leave this window up in the foreground and execute your FCPX workflow. Report back whether all your cores are maxed, whether the fans are going wild, etc.
Is there a reason why you omit the version of FCP(no X) of all things as well as the threads that panicked from the report? Because as it stands that report contains little to no useful information.

First and foremost you want to deactivate any and all plugins as well as delete the preferences (⌥⌘ during start). Something tells me that after that (especially the plugins) everything will be just fine, assuming you're not ommiting other relevant information.
Is there a reason why you omit the version of FCP(no X) of all things as well as the threads that panicked from the report? Because as it stands that report contains little to no useful information.
This wasn't a deliberate omission, just slipped my mind. After all, it's the latest OS, so supports the latest version of FCPX. Not sure what you mean by "no X".

I checked and it said 10.7.

I also copied the kernel panic error in its entirety. It was the error that came up after restarting the machine. Don't shoot the messenger. If there's a different error log I can get you, please let me know what you need and how I can retrieve that.

I don't have any third party plugins for FCPX.

In answer to the first reply, Activity Monitor is fine. CPU usage high as you'd expect, but editing is resource intensive.

I thought maybe it would be a known issue if it's kernel panicking as that's pretty extreme and not your usual crash. Figured it was worth checking here.
After all, it's the latest OS, so supports the latest version of FCPX.
Which doesn't mean you actually have it installed.

Not sure what you mean by "no X".
That there is no X in or after FCP.

If there's a different error log I can get you, please let me know what you need and how I can retrieve that.
You can at best check the "Console" where any and all crashes etc. are logged. You can send any you find to Apple, too.
Which doesn't mean you actually have it installed
Very true. I could be getting kernel panics while using FCPX without actually having FCPX installed.

That there is no X in or after FCP.
It was literally called FCPX when it replaced FCP7. Not sure why you picked this hill to die on.

You can at best check the "Console" where any and all crashes etc. are logged. You can send any you find to Apple, too.
Thank you, I will do this.
Update: to those of you interested and who wanted to help rather than spend time arguing minutiae, the problem is hardware. I spent from 10PM through to 5AM trying to fix it without any luck as I urgently needed this work exported.

It kept panicking every time I tried to export the video and also the odd graphics artefact appeared yesterday which is what I had on my 2011 15" MBP... and 2012... and 2016...

"aww s**t, here we go again"

That gave me a thought. As a workaround this morning, I used sudo pmset -b gpuswitch 0 command in Terminal to disable graphics switching and downloaded gSwitch ( to also force integrated graphics at all times. The export through FCPX was then successful, albeit slow as heck due to the integrated graphics.

I've got an Apple Store appointment booked for Wednesday. It's outside its warranty but I'm bullish I can get something sorted under consumer law. MBPs and discreet graphics issues seem to be hand-in-hand.

I've marked this thread as resolved in the hope that this workaround can assist anybody else experiencing similar issues.

TL;DR: force iGPU, might help.
Quite the solipsistic "hand-in-hand". Seeing that I have six MBPs ranging from 2009 to today, all with discrete graphics, all still in use, and have never once had any such issue. Go figure. 🤷🏼‍♂️
That's because spending your time arguing about nothing on Internet forums isn't particularly graphic intensive. Go figure. 🤷‍♂️
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