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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 19, 2013
4 8 15 16 23 42 ✈
Hello everybody!
I recently bought my first mac: the new 13" MacBook Pro Retina late 2013. I have one problem though: every now and then, suddenly the whole keyboard stops functioning, I can 't press any key then until I keep pressing the power button and force a reboot... Could it be that there is some kind of shortcut to disable/enable the keyboard, which I accidentally touch or something? Or is this a new rMBP or Mavericks bug? Any solutions? :)
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macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Hello everybody!
I recently bought my first mac: the new 13" MacBook Pro Retina late 2013. I have one problem though: every now and then, suddenly the whole keyboard stops functioning, I can 't press any key then until I keep pressing the power button and force a reboot... Could it be that there is some kind of shortcut to disable/enable the keyboard, which I accidentally touch or something? Or is this a new rMBP or Mavericks bug? Any solutions? :)

It's a known problem, Apple are working on a fix.
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