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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 29, 2016
The Netherlands
It's been asked before, but I was wondering if there's a way to dismiss notifications with the keyboard?

You're typing a document or browsing the web, and a notification appears (from the calendar or something), and I'd like it if there would be a keyboard shortcut to snooze or close a notification.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 29, 2016
The Netherlands
You could check to see if this Automator Service will work.

Works! Thanks a lot!

For the purposes of Google: follow up the instructions of the link. Be sure to test from Automator itself, i.e. leave Automator open and schedule a notification (for example via the Calendar app). Then when the notification arrives, test from Automator by clicking the "Play" button in the top-right corner. If there are any errors, Automator will clearly show them.

If it works, continue with the instructions to assign a shortcut key.

Edit: first it looks like it works but there's problems with this solution; it basically requires that you grant every app rights to the Accessibility Control feature. That's a lot of hassle.
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