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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 20, 2006
I've tried numerous times to get keyboard shortcuts to work, but I can't seem to make it happen. I go to syst prefs, then kbd + mse, then kybd shortcuts. I then click the + button to add my own short cut, but it never reponds. (For example, when press f1, I want it to open a new safario window, f2 to open itunes, and so on).

This feature worked really well on OS9 (i had shortcuts set up to f10!), but I can't get anything to work on OSX. Any help would be great.
You appear to be using a laptop.

The default setting for a laptop is to have to use Fn+<Function Key> to access the function keys. The Fn key is in the bottom left of the keyboard. This is as most of the function keys are used for other things (brightness, volume etc).

You can invert this setting in the keyboard preferences so as you have to use Fn+Key to change the brightness or volume instead.
I've inverted the settings, and that has, as you say, changed it so that I have to press the fn key to change the brightness etc. But I still can't get it to work so that when I press f1, it will open a new window of safari, or whatever i set it to.

Whn I click the + in the keybd shortcuts, i choose my app as safari. Then, when it says enter the exact name of the menu comman you want to add, i just put safari. I don't know if this is right or not, as I don't really get what it's asking me to do. finally, I press f1 in the kybd shortcut box.

Am I doing this right?If not, what do i do differntly?
Just used the help viewer, and got it working. Hwoever, it seems that you can't get short cuts to OPEN apps, only alter the shortcut you use for an existing command. I gues I'll have to live with it!
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