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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 3, 2004
Torquay UK
I recently set up a seperate user account for my partner. However, i'm still having a problem with keychain, if anyone can help.

Each time my partner logs into his account and uses iChat it asks for the keychain password - leaving the box empty and clicking ok allows ichat to open. If you then quit iChat and reopen it doesnt happen, but once he has "logged out of his account" the next time he logs in again and into iChat the same thing happens.

It has also just started asking for the password with mail out of the blue!

Any ideas?

Open Disk Utility (in Applications/Utilities), select your hard drive, and click "repair permissions". Reboot and see if it still happens...

paulwhannel said:
Open Disk Utility (in Applications/Utilities), select your hard drive, and click "repair permissions". Reboot and see if it still happens...


Tried it. Still happening i'm afraid.
Ok - this is what I have tried to do.

I went into Keychain Access and deleted his AIM details from there.
Went back to log into iChat and was prompted for his AIM password - not the keychain password.

Basically :-

If I do not have the AIM username and password stored in keychain I do not get the option of entering his password in iChat preferences - I literally can not click my cursor in the password box.

And if it is stored in keychain then I am asked for the keychain password each time I log into iChat. There is no keychain password set up.

It is an AOL AIM name i'm not sure if this makes any difference because on my account I have always used my .mac name in iChat.

Someone help me please
ScotRobson said:
Ok - this is what I have tried to do.

I went into Keychain Access and deleted his AIM details from there.
Went back to log into iChat and was prompted for his AIM password - not the keychain password.

Basically :-

If I do not have the AIM username and password stored in keychain I do not get the option of entering his password in iChat preferences - I literally can not click my cursor in the password box.

And if it is stored in keychain then I am asked for the keychain password each time I log into iChat. There is no keychain password set up.

It is an AOL AIM name i'm not sure if this makes any difference because on my account I have always used my .mac name in iChat.

Someone help me please
Sounds like a corrupt keychain to me. Try using Keychain First Aid, and if that doesn't work, delete the keychain and let Mac OS X create a new one (it's stored at ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain, where ~ represents your home directory). I've never used Keychain First Aid before (and I currently can't tell you how, since I'm not at a Mac :( )
wrldwzrd89 said:
Sounds like a corrupt keychain to me. Try using Keychain First Aid, and if that doesn't work, delete the keychain and let Mac OS X create a new one (it's stored at ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain, where ~ represents your home directory). I've never used Keychain First Aid before (and I currently can't tell you how, since I'm not at a Mac :( )

Keychain first aid fixed it! Thanks so much, I didn't even know that existed!

Thanks again
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