That's great, but doesn't the fact that they have to make users find and read this in the first place mean they kind of failed with the design? A lot of this stuff is not that obvious and I think it's fair criticism since in Apple's own advertising for the iPad iWorks apps they describe it using terms such as "desktop-class productivity", "extremely powerful", "beautifully formatted documents", "works well with others", "easy file sharing", "your work will look great from the start", etc. None of which is really true. Even if they can't support certain features of the desktop versions (and fonts, PowerPoint formatting), they could at the least offer better options for users to identify conflicts and make choices to correct them.
Don't get me wrong, I think Apple has done some great work getting the iPad iWorks apps to where they are, but it's currently broken in a lot of ways and has a long way to go to approach the glowing praise the advertising presents it with.
Without the presentation viewable on the iPad as well as the projector, keynote has failed. The only reason that I would be willing to hold a 1.5 lb clicker is to see my presentation without having to look behind me at the big screen.