I know that the mere mention of Mr. Northrup's name often sends people into a tizzy (often with justification), but I have to say I agree with him on this one.
The argument is that camera companies should adopt HEVC/HEIF/HEIC as the format for their compressed images instead of JPEG. Aside from the often repeated point that the compression is better by a factor of two, and the quality better, he breaks down how all those extra JPEG bits cost us over time, in storage space, SD card space, writing times, online storage, and so on. All of which is true. And yes, there are hardware needs and licensing and such, but JPEG is old as the hills and something's got to change.
Some valid criticisms in the comments too, like how we ought to go to a open source standard without fees. But I don't see that on the horizon, and it isn't like Apple or Adobe or other heavy hitter is going to develop one. Kudos at least to both those companies for supporting HEIC. I just wish we could make more use of it, and I for one would like to see it in cameras even if I do shoot almost all raw.
It's another one of those Apple early adoptions that seems to be working...something I can smile about after I curse in my search for Black Friday deals on yet another USB-C adapter.