I remember the Thread "Safari hates FedEx" and have seen other comments about certain sites that cause a sudden "unexpectedly quit" error with Safari. I just tried to go to Home Deopt to search for a water heater for a friend, and about 20 seconds after the page loaded I got the message. I tried re-booting, re-starting, making sure all other apps were off, dumping prefs, clearing the cache, and anything else I could think of and only come to the conclusion that it's a problem that exists with certain sites.
Who out there knows what type of web code or web casting software may be just unique enough to cause these kinds of problems?
FedEx resolved their issue but I have run across more sites that cause not only Safari but I feel Mac browsers to crash. Is this a direct attempt to bias the web so only PC users can use it? (OK far fetched, but it seems that way)
Since I refuse to go to Home Depot anyway my problem is solved, I can log into Lowes and browse at will with no problems.
After seeing the other thread on "alternativebrowsers" I think I'll try FireFox, Camino, and OmniWeb, and see if they offer a better solution.
Thanks Forum, Sparky
Who out there knows what type of web code or web casting software may be just unique enough to cause these kinds of problems?
FedEx resolved their issue but I have run across more sites that cause not only Safari but I feel Mac browsers to crash. Is this a direct attempt to bias the web so only PC users can use it? (OK far fetched, but it seems that way)
Since I refuse to go to Home Depot anyway my problem is solved, I can log into Lowes and browse at will with no problems.
After seeing the other thread on "alternativebrowsers" I think I'll try FireFox, Camino, and OmniWeb, and see if they offer a better solution.
Thanks Forum, Sparky