Hey all,
How much memory and systems resouces does Konfabulator drain? I have two widgets running, the to-do list and the weather one.
Does this cause significant drain on batteries?
Does Konfabulator start-up after a reboot or does one have to manually restart the app?
Also if I want to remove Konfabulator, do I just take the icon in the applications folder and trash it? And then take my widgets folder and trash that (I am from the windows world, where you can't do that...So again confused)?
Sorry if these questions are laughable, I have never used Widgets before and so I do not know what to expect.
How much memory and systems resouces does Konfabulator drain? I have two widgets running, the to-do list and the weather one.
Does this cause significant drain on batteries?
Does Konfabulator start-up after a reboot or does one have to manually restart the app?
Also if I want to remove Konfabulator, do I just take the icon in the applications folder and trash it? And then take my widgets folder and trash that (I am from the windows world, where you can't do that...So again confused)?
Sorry if these questions are laughable, I have never used Widgets before and so I do not know what to expect.