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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 20, 2008
New York, NY
ok I jailbroke my 3g again and guess what at first everything was great theny iphone started to lag, first was sbssettings problems
with opening settings from the dock takes about 4 seconds to open or it just get stuck and I have to reopen it. Then the keyboard then clippy then auto correct, then icons start to dim(even of I didn't select an app) what about the stock SMS it takes up go 3-5 seconds to open.
I only installed about 4 3rd party apps. WTF!!!! I hate this. I think I'm just goi go to restore and just wait until the full 3.0fw comes out unless someone has a better solution?????
The quality of code isn't the same, so jailbroken stuff runs slower, that's the nature of the game.
what were the 3rd party apps u installed?

Let's see, I have status notifier, iblack list, winterboard (which I only use with transparent dock) extended preffences (which I never use on winter board) sbssettings, clippy and cyrecorder (which I never use) My iPhone never use to be so laggy after a jailbreak now it's just sucks.
i have a jailbroken iphone 3G, and have also had bad lag experiences with winterboard and sbsettings. I re-jailbroke and manually installed my own dock png file with dock reflections i made on my own in Gimp and 5 icon dock, and it's snappy as a non-jailbroken phone.

so quality of code or not, take it from this user who has tried both ways and look into just picking a theme you really like and will stick with and manually install it without winterboard. (It takes some research and time, but you will avoid those lag issues). And stay away from sbsettings and just use boss preferences.
i have a jailbroken iphone 3G, and have also had bad lag experiences with winterboard and sbsettings. I re-jailbroke and manually installed my own dock png file with dock reflections i made on my own in Gimp and 5 icon dock, and it's snappy as a non-jailbroken phone.

so quality of code or not, take it from this user who has tried both ways and look into just picking a theme you really like and will stick with and manually install it without winterboard. (It takes some research and time, but you will avoid those lag issues). And stay away from sbsettings and just use boss preferences.
So let me get this right, you no longer have your iPhone jailbroken, but you managed to have a transparent dock and reflect on your iPhone? An you do a FCSB too if so pass that file over and let me know what you did (well how you manually did everything)
So let me get this right, you no longer have your iPhone jailbroken, but you managed to have a transparent dock and reflect on your iPhone? An you do a FCSB too if so pass that file over and let me know what you did (well how you manually did everything)

It is jailbroken, but I only installed cydia, ssh, 5 icon dock, and boss preferences.

To manually apply a winterboard theme without winterboard, you have to go through each app you have installed and replace its icon with the icon of your choice via SSH. For appstore apps, they are in a different place than the cydia apps. (check out For the dock, there is a png file: /System/Library/coreservices/, that you can replace with your own dock png.

You cannot apply your own background or other UI components without winterboard. You can still replace sounds, though.

The reason winterboard and sbsettings lags the phone so hard is because they both utilize lots of (very precious) iphone memory. When I used winterboard and sbsettings, I could barely play games without them crashing, even after using apps like freememory to clear it out beforehand. Now everything runs silky smooth (well, as much as a non-JB iphone anyway) and games never crash.

Here's a thread in these forums on this topic:
even i had same experience

i jailbroke my 3G and noticed a lag and the phone was noticably slow.

finally restored the firmware to un-jailbreak it & i am happy with a fast iphone :D
It is jailbroken, but I only installed cydia, ssh, 5 icon dock, and boss preferences.

To manually apply a winterboard theme without winterboard, you have to go through each app you have installed and replace its icon with the icon of your choice via SSH. For appstore apps, they are in a different place than the cydia apps. (check out For the dock, there is a png file: /System/Library/coreservices/, that you can replace with your own dock png.

You cannot apply your own background or other UI components without winterboard. You can still replace sounds, though.

The reason winterboard and sbsettings lags the phone so hard is because they both utilize lots of (very precious) iphone memory. When I used winterboard and sbsettings, I could barely play games without them crashing, even after using apps like freememory to clear it out beforehand. Now everything runs silky smooth (well, as much as a non-JB iphone anyway) and games never crash.

Here's a thread in these forums on this topic:

Well thank you, this will help me a lot. One thing, im not Familiar with sshing, how would I start off (I have a laptop running vista)
even i had same experience

i jailbroke my 3G and noticed a lag and the phone was noticably slow.

finally restored the firmware to un-jailbreak it & i am happy with a fast iphone :D

kill the LAG!!!
can't wait until 3.0 comes out, i dont even care for the new iphone (well just a little) but damn 3.0 hurry up!!!!!!!!!!
If it is lagging, you did it wrong. Redo the jailbreak.

oh it you once again, (let me stop)
well how the hell do you mess up a jailbreak?
i know u get errors and you have to redo the whole process of jailbreaking you phone but once you jailbreak your set but what do you mean i jailbroke my phone wrong?
You took the stock OS, screwed with it and are now complaining because you don't like the results.......

Give me a break.:rolleyes:

Jesus says: "Leave the Jesus phone alone!":apple:
You took the stock OS, screwed with it and are now complaining because you don't like the results.......

Give me a break.:rolleyes:

Jesus says: "Leave the Jesus phone alone!":apple:

Hmmmmm I feel hatered....
This isn't a church ceremony so leave it for you Sunday school class.
As mentioned before, stay away from winterboard, sbsettings and perhaps even bossprefs and you should not see any noticeable lag.

I recently re-jailbroke my phone and have not installed the above mentioned and noticed that the lag is gone.
Well thank you, this will help me a lot. One thing, im not Familiar with sshing, how would I start off (I have a laptop running vista)

1. download filezilla (
2. download openssh using cydia and restart the phone
3. make sure your iphone is on the same wireless network as your pc. If you do not have a wireless network, skip to bottom of page.
4. find out your iphone's IP Address
5. in filezilla, in the quick connect box, use the ip address you found in step 3 as the hostname, root as the username, alpine as the password, and 22 as the port
6. you're now ssh'd into the iphone

You can also use utilities that give you ssh capability (as in, root access to the file system) without having a wireless network. (iPhone Browser is a good one:
1. download filezilla (
2. download openssh using cydia and restart the phone
3. make sure your iphone is on the same wireless network as your pc. If you do not have a wireless network, skip to bottom of page.
4. find out your iphone's IP Address
5. in filezilla, in the quick connect box, use the ip address you found in step 3 as the hostname, root as the username, alpine as the password, and 22 as the port
6. you're now ssh'd into the iphone

You can also use utilities that give you ssh capability (as in, root access to the file system) without having a wireless network. (iPhone Browser is a good one:

so i did a full restore

and i still have a lag with the stock sms (WTF???) oh im pissed i did a full restore for nothing, yes i restored as a new iphone, so what the hell am i doing wrong?:mad:
and i still have a lag with the stock sms (WTF???) oh im pissed i did a full restore for nothing, yes i restored as a new iphone, so what the hell am i doing wrong?:mad:

everybody has lag with the stock sms :( I think it's an issue with the phone having to read message history from a database somewhere. They have recognized it and say they are working on it. Let's hope they fix it in 3.0
everybody has lag with the stock sms :( I think it's an issue with the phone having to read message history from a database somewhere. They have recognized it and say they are working on it. Let's hope they fix it in 3.0

Yea let's hope it get resolved.
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