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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 20, 2018
I noticed something that is slower on my 2021 M1 Max MBP than my 2013 MBP: switching spaces.

Whether it's by 3/4 finger swipe or ctrl+arrow key, it takes about 2 seconds after initiating the switch for the new app to become "active" and let you scroll, start typing, etc. The first second is most of the animation and the rest is waiting for the last part of the movement animation to slowly finish.

Steps to replicate:

1) Have an app open you can type into on your desktop, and another text editor on a full screen space, both in focus.
2) Switch spaces by swiping 3/4 fingers on the trackpad and immediately start typing.
3) Repeat by swiping back to the other space and typing.
4) The text won't be input into the window you're switching to until the animation is done, with a very noticeable lag as you wait for the animation to finish.

This does NOT happen when switching apps with cmd+tab, even if it has to switch spaces! It still has the animation, but it doesn't end as slowly, and there is no input lag whatsoever. Typed content will be typed into the window you're switching to even before the animation is done!

This does NOT happen with ProMotion off! The animation is like it was on my Intel MacBook, much shorter without the prolonged end.

Also found this Reddit post, which claims the animation can be removed with Yabai.

However, this seems to disable the animation altogether. I see no reason to need this seeing as cmd+tab does not have this problem!

Has anyone else noticed this?
I can reproduce and it is exactly like you say on my M2 Max system. I find it wild that disabling ProMotion makes such a difference.

Never really "noticed" it before though, it hasn't been an issue for me. ...I'm not switching workspaces that often, I guess.
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Thanks for trying! Yea, they obviously made the animation longer to show off how smooth it is and how it slows down, but 2 seconds is just way too long. That combined with the new window not taking focus until the animation is done makes it get in the way.
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