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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2021
I just got it for 2 days have have been spending it on troubleshooting. :/ So far MacBook Pro has been underwhelming for me. My iPad Pro 12.9 feels smoother and have far less problem. XD

The laggy problem has been somewhat fixed I think, after I deleted my iCloud and added it back again. However, I do see the loading icon once awhile when I start a program. As far as I understand... it shouldn't? It's suppose to be fast and smooth? It even froze on 2 small apps, and I have to force quit.

I also keep having some connectivity problems. Mostly on the airdrop. It's either stuck or being super slow. I can't reset the bluetooth connection either. The usual way doesn't work.

Is my Mac just faulty or does anyone have any ideas?
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