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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 28, 2019
Boston, MA
My Apple TV 4K Gen 2 is unusable for screen mirroring from multiple iPhones. The phone’s screen appears but runs at about ~1fps. It’s incredibly choppy and laggy, not usable for videos or even scrolling. Audio works fine. Mirroring the same phone to an ATV 4K Gen 1 in another room works perfectly.

Has anyone else had this issue?

WiFi network is a very strong/stable Ubiquiti network with the AP just feet away (speed tests max out the phone’s 2x2 WiFi 5 chip at ~550mbps w/ <10ms ping). ATV is on gigabit Ethernet on the same VLAN as the mirrored device.

Source: iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 Pro, both running iOS 14.6
Destination: Apple TV 4K Gen 2 running tvOS 14.6


macrumors newbie
Jun 25, 2021
Not the answer to your question (have same setup and APs without VLANs with a 1st gen) but did you try setting the television screen to 1k or go wireless?
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