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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 12, 2009
I'm just being impatient. I was told the iPad would be in Singapore by July. Its 1 week in, and still no news.

I know, I know, they can't hardly meet demand where it is already available, so they say. But hey, I heard from my brother that in Spain (where he lives), there's still stock. Although, having said that, its much more expensive in Europe than in the US.

I was just thinking: why can't they just rebalance stock levels where there's excess, to places where there shortfall. But I guess in order to do that, you need sales data, and considering its barely 3 months since the iPad was launched, that data will take some time to compile...

Anyway, Apple, please start selling iPads in Singapore soon! I'm dying to give you my money!
When apple say something as vague as in July or in the fall, expect it at the end of this period, not at the beginning.
The iPad is not much more expensive in Europe than the States. You are not considering tax, which is displayed included in Europe, but not in the States.

As for moving excess stock of ipads around... There is no excess. There are shortages in every market.
Well seeing as they are out of stock at Apple in London, where there is a huge demand for it, I doubt that Apple would potentially waste thee sales by selling them to a market with a lower demand and not as many people buying them.
*For some reason my message is repeated below, I edited this one to ask if anyone knows how to remove a post*
I do understand the fact that the current markets that the iPad is in don't have enough supply but now that the iPad production has been increased significantly Apple should at the very least give the nine extra countries a date of pre order or release date. I live in Mexico (one of the nine countries set for the iPad release in July) and I'm also very very very excited to get one but think about it, if we've waited for one for months what are a couple of weeks more?
Lets just hope that July comes soon for Apple lol :D
Apple said July to Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands & New Zealand as well as Singapore but didn't actually state which year :eek:

Sometime before Xmas.... maybe.
Apple said July to Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands & New Zealand as well as Singapore but didn't actually state which year :eek:

Sometime before Xmas.... maybe.

LOL...... That's true. But recently Apple hasn't really delayed stuff they've already announced by too long... unlike some of their competitors, who can delay announced products by years, deliver a product designed for 2 years ago, then trash the entire project after a few months. (choose either 1, or all 3 together...) ;)

My gut tells me late August/ early September.

Oh, and yes, Mike, you're right. I forget that VAT in Spain is 18% now. What is it in UK now, still 17.5%? And Ireland still 21%?

Boy, that makes me glad that GST (a.k.a. VAT) in Singapore is 7%...

Though if I went to Europe & bought it, I could reclaim much of that VAT as a tourist... after the evil Global Refund takes their more-than-generous cut. And what with the Euro at an all-time low... Maybe its time I went to visit my brother & nephew... ;)
Well, the wait is finally over. They're coming this Friday.

I'm talking to myself, aren't I?
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