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Landscape or Portrait?

  • Landscape

    Votes: 18 69.2%
  • Portrait

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Equal

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 17, 2009
Wash, DC Metro
I found it interesting yesterday when my wife and I were sitting next to each other with our iPads. I use mine almost entirely in landscape mode while she is almost always using hers in portrait mode.

This made me wonder how do each of you use yours primarily. I understand certain apps may force you to be in one mode or another. But for general surfing, e-mail, etc., which way do you hold it?
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

I use mine exclusively in landscape except for the few annoying apps that only display in portrait mode. Portrait just seems awkward to me.
I wish there were a button next to the "2x" button to rotate iPhone apps 90 degrees. Maybe the jailbreakers will figure that out.

You do realize your poll replicates one 2 inches below this one...

I know people are desperate to create "original" (read esoteric and pointlessly granular) polls ("What chair do you sit in with iPad?", "How do you hold your pinky when typing the letter Q?", "How often do you blink when scrolling thru") as often as possible, but did you really think you'd be the first to ask this a month after release?
You do realize your poll replicates one 2 inches below this one...

I know people are desperate to create "original" (read esoteric and pointlessly granular) polls ("What chair do you sit in with iPad?", "How do you hold your pinky when typing the letter Q?", "How often do you blink when scrolling thru") as often as possible, but did you really think you'd be the first to ask this a month after release?

Thanks for pointing that out and I did not notice there was a similar one until AFTER I posted mine. I did a quick scan of the first page. I did not do a search. I originally did not see one. I was wondering how long it would take for someone to mention this. :rolleyes:

I REALLY appreciate the time you took for posting in my "pointless" thread. It amazes me how many people are so quick to point out and post in these "pointless" threads. If you really wanted them to die, you would not continue to post replies which keeps them at the top of the forum section.

If it bothers you that much, contact a moderator and have the thread closed or merged with the other one.
I REALLY appreciate the time you took for posting in my "pointless" thread.

If you read my post, I never said yours was pointless. I did use this thread (instead of creating a new one as so many people seem to have the need to do) to point out the folly of the growing number of silly polls. In fact I think the landscape vs portait topic merits discussion, as did others before you.
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