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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2016
Goodday everyone

For quite some time I've had Windows on my Macbook for some fairly light gaming, all fine and dandy. I learned early on that Windows on Mac tends to run pretty hot, so I got myself a fancontrol program. After Lubbo's didn't work quite as well as I hoped I got Mac's Fan Control and I was pretty happy with that. It wasn't one hundred percent perfect, but it kept temperatures fairly acceptable.

But recently that changed.
Now when the laptop is hardly doing anything (only things open being two or three tabs) the temperature still keeps rising slowly, from around 70 C fairly quickly after start-up, to almost 90C - and sometimes over briefly - right now.

The fans are working at 6000 RPM, roughly, so I am at a loss now, if I'm honest. I will honestly admit to not exactly being a tech-buff, so I have no idea what to do about this.
The laptop is around four years old and due to my study it's had to spend quite some hours running Photoshop and the likes, however I also had the RAM increased about a year ago, along with a switch from HDD to an SSD.
Does anyone know what it is that is driving the laptop crazy like this? And if so; what can I do about it? It runs fine under OSX and gaming isn't a necessity, so it's not like I'm dependent on the Windows partition, but I'd still love to just get it all running smoothly. Or at least as smoothly as possible.

Here is a screenshot of the temperatures:

They do fluctuate quite a bit (from 70 to 82 and back for example). There are a few more temps that the image doesn't show, but none of those are unusually high. It's the CPU and GPU that misbehave.

If any more information on the laptop is needed in order to get a clearer picture of the situation, feel free to ask.

Thanks in advance!


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2010
70C at idle while fans are spinning at max speed doesn't seem right, what is your room temperature like? My 5-year-old MacBook Pro idles at 60C / 2000RPM when air conditioner is off, if I turn on the air conditioner and crank the fan speed up with Macs Fan Control, it usually idles at 45C / 5500RPM.

Here's another thought, you are running Windows 7 with Aero Glass enabled, which put pressure on the GPU. I found that Windows 8/10 tend to run cooler than Windows 7 on the Macs. Try switch to the classic theme (the one that looks like Windows 2000) and see if the temperature drops, if not, your fans might be defect. If possible it's better that you bring it to an Apple Store to have a Apple technician check on it.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2016
The room temperature is generally around 20C here. However, right now the heating hasn't been turned on yet so it's around 17C and even now the laptop almost immediatly started becoming warmer. Not to the touch, oddly enough, but still; the program is reading temps going into the 70s again.
Perhaps the time has come for me to buy my laptop a cooler.

Disabled that, but I didn't notice too much of a difference. The fans do seem to do their work just fine when under OSX, however, even with some heavy-duty photoshopping or video editing.
Is there any chance I have things run in the background on Windows that aren't necessary that I am not aware of?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2016
It's roughly four years old. I had it cleaned out about half a year ago (I have the finesse of a brick so I entrusted it to our local computer store's mac specialist).


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
Try an smc reset, also check if battery is getting old (can get hot if on it's way out) .


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2016
Will do! Is checking the battery's health something I can do myself, or is it -given the fact that I'm not the most technical person - wiser to let a professional do that instead? I'm fine with doing some research first, but I don't want to attempt something that really is out of my league and risk ruining my laptop.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
get istats app, to see where the heat is coming from and which background app is running. Replacing your model mbp should be easy. I mention battery because mine super heated before it went out.
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