sudo du -sg /.MobileBackups
Open and execute the following command:
You will have to give your password at the prompt. It will respond with the number of gigabytes of local backups you have. (You can replace -sg with -sm to get the number of megabytes.) sudo tmutil disablelocal is supposed to delete all these files.Code:sudo du -sg /.MobileBackups
The 'terminal' response to that is 'No such file or directory'.
The only thing 'sudo tmutil disablelocal' appears to do at the moment is turn the bar back to 'pink - backups' after 'sudo tmutil enablelocal' turns it to 'yellow - other'.
sudo mdutil -E /
This is what it looks like now following 'sudo mdutil -E /'
Did you follow all the steps I listed in order first?
Is the Spotlight reindex finished? Look at the Spotlight icon in the menu bar and make sure the dot is not throbbing any more indicating a reindex in progress. From your screenshot, I'm guessing the reindex is not yet finished.![]()
The information on "About This MAc > Storage" is not always accurate.
I would download the free OmniDiskSweeper utility, which should help you track downwhat is taking up space on your drive and allow you to delete it.
Be careful you don't delete anything useful, and make sure you do have a backup, if you're not using TM!