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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Personally, I'm not planning on going back to film, and if I were to shoot LF again, I'd likely want movements and more lens adaptability, but at a base price of $149 with a pinhole lens, this is definitely a great way to shoot LF film that can be easily scanned on almost any flatbed scanner. It's almost enough to tempt me for landscape shooting.

It's made for a 90mm f/8 lens, which on 4x5 is roughly the equivalent of a 28mm lens on a 35mm body.

The official site:

For a 4x5, it's small, lightweight and pretty interesting. I recall travel LF cameras in the past, but not this small/cheap.

…. It's almost enough to tempt me for landscape shooting….

Why oh why did you have to post that link? I've got everything I need to use it… (except a darkroom - but for film only that's no biggie). And pinhole.. I've been wanting a good pinhole camera….

Good thing it was my birthday this month… I'll let you know how it works…. ;)
Why oh why did you have to post that link? I've got everything I need to use it… (except a darkroom - but for film only that's no biggie). And pinhole.. I've been wanting a good pinhole camera….

Good thing it was my birthday this month… I'll let you know how it works…. ;)

If it helps, it's pre-order only at the moment. If it hurts, the Kickstarter page is interesting.

I saw this initially when it started on kickstarter.

I shoot a lot of MF and I am a sucker for big negatives. I can only dream of the sort of lovely shots I could get with 4x5!

I wonder if there is anyone that would rent me a 4x5 camera for a summer trip...

Guy I used to work for started doing pinhole photos in retirement. He used a home made box. Don't remember the film size, maybe 2 ¼" x 3 ¼". Got some really neat images.

Looked at some of the camera rental places but didn't see any large format. has medium format Pentax for rent.
This is a great way to get into LF, although it lacks one of the primary features of LF cameras (as pointed out by the OP): movements.

That said, even a 2000dpi flatbed scan (which is as good as the best current flatbed - the V700/750 - can provide) would yield an 80MP image. And when shot with something like Portra 400, the dynamic range is astounding.

I won't be buying one, but it's a very nice camera, indeed.
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