I had hoped that the iPhone 6+ might be handy to take on trips for photo storage and viewing in the field. The large size (64-128GB) would mean a lot of storage for big photo files, and I could use some of my apps for editing. And it would still fit in a camera bag, unlike the iPad.
But alas, Apple isn't interested in my needs
. No way to get the photos from an SD card.
So. Anyone recommend a non-cellular phablet about the size of Apple's new one, with both a ton of internal storage, and SD card connectivity? It would really help. For example, I lost a lot of nice shots because I had goo on my sensor, which would maybe have shown up while reviewing on a phablet, but didn't show while reviewing on the camera's LCD. Be so easy to just copy over while eating lunch on a log on a hike or whatever.
But alas, Apple isn't interested in my needs
So. Anyone recommend a non-cellular phablet about the size of Apple's new one, with both a ton of internal storage, and SD card connectivity? It would really help. For example, I lost a lot of nice shots because I had goo on my sensor, which would maybe have shown up while reviewing on a phablet, but didn't show while reviewing on the camera's LCD. Be so easy to just copy over while eating lunch on a log on a hike or whatever.