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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 9, 2019

So I recently switched over from Android to Apple, and through my carrier, upgraded my phone to an iPhone XS.

So far the phone has been great, but there are a couple of things that I wasn't sure if they were bugs or maybe I was just not familiar with iOS. So I took it to the Genius Bar at my local Apple store so that I could ask them a few questions about it.

While there they ran a diagnostics on the phone. All the hardware checked out, and there didn't appear to be any software issues either.

However, one thing that caught the technicians eye was that the dates listed under "Last Erase Date" and "Last Restore Date" were from before I even had the phone.

I got this phone on 07/22/2019, and according to the technician, the dates listed under those two fields were from May 2019. When I upgraded my phone, they gave me a brand new iPhone XS, so I am not sure why it would have those dates.

I am also not sure if that's even something that's out of the ordinary? Are those fields just supposed to be blank until an erase/restore DOES happen on the phone, or maybe those are just set sometime during the manufacturing of the phone.

Was just curious if anyone else might have any ideas as to why those dates were from before i had the phone? Or I guess, if that's even something to be worried about.

Thanks in advance!
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