Some facts for you because usually your kind of question means there is a desire to update to the latest jailbreakable version.
• You can't update to 10.2. Apple is no longer signing it. 10.2.1 is the latest and all you can update to and there is no jailbreak for it.
• Jailbreaks since 9.2 are now semi-untethered. This means you run the jailbreak and it installs an app. That app is what you use to jailbreak the device EVERY time you boot the device. If you forget to run the app after booting, you aren't jailbroken. Compare this to previous jailbreaks which were all untethered.
Stay on 8.3. I made the mistake of upgrading to 9.3.3 and it's that semi-tethered jailbreak (PITA). 8.3 is a full jailbreak. Unless you have an Apple Watch, you're best off staying where you are.