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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 6, 2017
Hi Guys ,

Suddenly my Late 2011 Macbook Pro won't turn on . No lights , no Fan spin upon pressing the power button. MagSafe indicator is green although the battery has only little charge left.

So far , I have tried to power it on by ,

1 .Resetting the SMC

2. Using a different MagSafe Charger

3. Removed the battery and plug the MagSage while holding the power button and releasing it.

4. Replaced the battery from a different macbook pro.

What could be the issue here ? I worried that the logic board is fried. Any help on how to diagnose the exact issue will be immensely helpful.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
Could be a small resistor in the logic board/charging circuit that's blown. If you're comfortable with electronics, open it up and have a look around. If not then take it into a local repair centre. You could take it to Apple but it likely isn't worth their time and they'll simply tell you that you need an entire new board.

Either way give it to someone who knows what they're doing and they'll be able to give you the best advice, it could be a simple fix, it could be entirely dead. But you won't know which until it has a proper diagnostic, and it sounds like you've tried everything user-capable at this stage anyway.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
IF you can't fix it yourself or have someone else do it cheaply, it's probably not worth putting money into.

Time to look for something new, or perhaps Apple-refurbished.
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macrumors 601
May 28, 2008
My early 2011 17" MB Pro has the display flickering. It goes dim (not too dim) and the gets bright...over and over. Then sometimes it doesn't do it for hours. Sadly, parts are getting harder to come by and I know I can replace the display myself, just sucks to face reality. I certainly can't afford a new laptop anytime soon.


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
Is this by chance a 15/17 inch model? If so, because the failures are so common, it is at least possible (perhaps even probable) that this has to do with the GPU fault. My first 2011 GPU failure did this.
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