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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2008
All's well that ends well!

So, a few weeks ago, I tried installing Mojave on my Late 2012 iMac. Something went wrong and the install failed. The machine kept restarting over and over. The boot drive (internal stock 1TB fusion drive) didn't work and I had to boot into safe mode. I ran Disk Utitlity and it said everything was fine. I then selected an external USB 2 drive as the target for the install and that went fine. But booting from that drive was super slow.

After a couple of weeks of just letting the iMac sit there (powered off), I finally decided to try restoring from my Time Machine backup. I booted the machine and expected the startup to again take a long time on the USB drive. I noticed there was a progress bar and that it was moving VERY slowly, but I didn't pay much attention. I came back about an hour later, and low and behold, the Mojave install had finished on the internal drive and booted up on that!

I rebooted the machine just to make sure that process went fine. It did.

This is the worst modern Mac OS install experience I've ever had, but since it resolved itself, I can't complain too much.

Any thoughts on what might have happened? The initial install had failed and rebooted MANY times. Nothing has changed since I last powered it off. And I don't have a Boot Camp partition or anything like that.
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