im wondering if apple will have a late january/ early febuary event for their desktops saying as they didnt anounce anything about htem today
im wondering if apple will have a late january/ early febuary event for their desktops saying as they didnt anounce anything about htem today
Im waiting on a new iMac! Do you think there will be a new model sometime this year for sure?
We already know that there is a new iMac because of this.
The speculation is that it'll get the updates that the unibody MB's got (faster FSB, DD3 RAM, NVIDIA chipset, etc). They certainly aren't going for a redesign now that the entire lineup finally matches.
im wondering if apple will have a late january/ early febuary event for their desktops saying as they didnt anounce anything about htem today
Considering the next iMac update will probably only be a speedbump, I doubt they'll create an event around it, so the answer is no, it'll just be a silent Tuesday announcement.
If they wait for Nehalem however, there could be an event for sure, but not for a good 6-8 months.
No sooner has MacWorld finished with none of the anticipated announcements and we're already speculating on a revised time frame for've got to love the rumour sites
There has got to be a lot of new products coming soon. Just look at the messy lineup with the Cinema Displays - an old 20" model, a new LED backlit 24" model for notebooks only, and a 30" model. Nothing has happened to the Apple TV for a long time, same goes for the Mac Mini. The Mac Pro could be making use of newer processors. There is a whole ton of stuff that to me seems overdue.
But forget all that - as long as we get iLife 09, that's the main thing...
Im waiting on a new iMac! Do you think there will be a new model sometime this year for sure?
If they wait for Nehalem however, there could be an event for sure, but not for a good 6-8 months.
Personally I imagine we'll see an "evolutionary" update of the iMac in the near future with hopefully a "revolutionary" update (Intel Core i7 chip set? etc.) sometime towards the later part of 2009. Of course this is all pure speculation on my part but we can but dream.
I thought the iMac needed mobile processors/chipsets, and the mobile version of i7 is not out yet,right?
....hopefully a "revolutionary" update (Intel Core i7 chip set? etc.) sometime towards the later part of 2009.
I have heard from a buddy that works directly at Apple, and a friend at Best Buy the same thing--they will release them closer to tax season.
The event will likely be a dual week of year end financial reporting, and releasing the new Macs. This is my hope too at least.
Personally I imagine we'll see an "evolutionary" update of the iMac in the near future with hopefully a "revolutionary" update (Intel Core i7 chip set? etc.) sometime towards the later part of 2009. Of course this is all pure speculation on my part but we can but dream.
Soxy, I totally see where you're coming from but with predictions/speculation that we won't see the mobile i7 chipset until, at the earliest, pretty late in the year it just seems to be a long old time between updates for the iMac.
Saying that we punters don't really know where Intel are with producing the mobile versions of this chip set, what arrangement they may have with Apple or wether any new iMac will even carry the mobile versions at all (although granted the current wattage of the desktop variant seem to be to hot for the iMac housing).
At the end of the day only Apple actually know what's happening, the rest of it is us reading between the lines and calculating that 2+2=5.
Well, according to Schiller's timeline, new desktops in the Fall...
Apple is now getting ready for the next iPhone event in June...