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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 24, 2008
Can anyone send me the latest Handbreak compiled? I dont know how to download the newest SVN and do it.

Or if someone can put me in the right direction of where I can download it. Thanks!
@Aldaris that is not for the SVN that is for the last "Stable" release.

@Unverrich try the below in Terminal.
  1. Open Terminal and type svn co svn:// HandBrake, pressing enter
  2. Type cd handbrake or ./configure (as I think it has changed how to compile), pressing enter
  3. Type sudo Make Check
  4. Sudo Make
  5. Sudo Make install

You need Yasm installed as well for it to be successful.
got it, Cave Man.

Thank you guys so much!

Now, how often does the SVN update? And when I update it do I just go to the Terminal and do that same process over and over?

Thanks again!
Sometimes SVn doesn't change for a couple of days, sometimes it changes a dozen a times on a single day.
This that are new (form the the top of my head):
Better decomb (with custom options)
better blu-ray support
live preview
much newer and better x264
Remember, svn rev's are NOT supported in any way shape or form.

some days there might be a dozen commits, some break things and the next one might fix it. Tough to say.

The gui might be half done, might be a feature that is sort of implemented and sort of not.

I would ask that compiled binaries not be distributed. Please, if your interested then learn to use svn and compile yourself. Along with reading the commit notes and following the irc logs might help understand what sort of state things are in at any given time.

When the svn is deemed stable enough, a developer snapshot will be released which is generally safe for public consumption. Until that time, you get a 50/50 guarantee ... if it breaks you can keep both halves.
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