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macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 21, 2008
Noticed this recently, past week and a half when I couldn't find recent photos I took. I have one (just one) collection that is out of order on my iPhone (and Mac). It is showing as the latest Collection (newest, at the bottom of the list when viewing collections), instead of my latest photos. All new photos are before this collection.

You have Photos -> Moments -> Collections -> Years

However, in Moments and Years, the photos in said collection are correctly organized by date. No issue. I have not changed anything. I use iCloud photo library. I don't sync to my computer/iTunes. I have changed nothing. I asked a friend if they were familiar with the issue and they were not. However, they looked at their photos and noticed the same issue. Some of their collections were out of order (collections with older dates were after collections with newer dates).

My only conclusion is it was something with the latest iOS update.

Can anyone else confirm they are having this issue? What iOS version you're on, when you noticed the issue?

This was never an issue for me and as of now, there is no way to resolve it.
I've noticed my Photos tab (furthest on left) sometimes does show them out of order. It seems more concerned with grouping them. So I take some photos in the morning before leaving work, then take some at work, then take more at home that night, they might show up in a different order than I would expect. In cases like that, I've seen them sort & group by place over time. So the ones from home might be grouped together, even though there were other pictures in between.

I've also noticed if I click Albums (third from the left), then All Photos, they seem to be listed in exact date order. Occasionally I'll do something like save a photo from the Safari and will need to come here to find it. But that's pretty rare.

So there seem to be two places to view all your photos and they do seem to behave slightly differently. But it's never been a big enough issue for me to worry about. Nor have I really dug in to see what's happening. Those are just my observations from what I've noticed.

If you're noticing slight differences like I've described, I'd just say "that's just how it is now and if you don't care for it, submit feedback to Apple". If you're noticing more radical differences than what I described, then I don't know what to tell you.

Also, I believe it's been this way since iOS 11? Maybe earlier. Whenever they redid the photos app. Seems like that was 11.
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