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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 10, 2010
I want to use LaunchApplication

Bool SYS_LaunchExeFile(const char FileName[], const char CmdLine[], bool bForeground )
	LaunchParamBlockRec    launchParams;

	Status = LaunchApplication( &launchParams );

And I don't know how define CmdLine to structure LaunchParamBlockRec.
Help me please.
Exactly what are you trying to do?

Are you trying to launch a command-line tool like 'ls' or 'cat'?

Or are you trying to launch a graphical application like TextEdit?

What do you want to happen after the launch?

If you're following a book or tutorial, identify exactly which one it is: URL, title, author, etc.
Exactly what are you trying to do?

Are you trying to launch a command-line tool like 'ls' or 'cat'?

Or are you trying to launch a graphical application like TextEdit?

What do you want to happen after the launch?

If you're following a book or tutorial, identify exactly which one it is: URL, title, author, etc.

I want to launch Application gmsh with command line
Temp.stp -clmax 2.5 -clmin 0.1 -string "Mesh.SubdivisionAlgorithm = 0;" -3 -format ir3 -o "Mesh1.txt"

Afte launch gmsh must to read file Temp.stp and save mesh to file Mesh1.txt
Do you want gmsh to finish running, or do you want to let gmsh run concurrently?

Is there some reason you can't use the standard C library function system()?

Or maybe popen()?

What is your programming experience? Have you written C programs? Have you written Mac OS X programs?

Are you porting gmsh? Writing a new program to use gmsh?
Do you want gmsh to finish running, or do you want to let gmsh run concurrently?

Is there some reason you can't use the standard C library function system()?

Or maybe popen()?

What is your programming experience? Have you written C programs? Have you written Mac OS X programs?

Are you porting gmsh? Writing a new program to use gmsh?

chown33, thank you for your answer. I try to use your version of code.

I have programming experience C++ on Windows 10 years.
But on Mac OS X I working about two month. In old project Cobalt.
Function LaunchApplication I found in src of program Cobalt.
But on Mac OS X I working about two month. In old project Cobalt.
Function LaunchApplication I found in src of program Cobalt.

I've never heard of Cobalt. When I google (mac os cobalt), I don't see much other than an expensive 3D program listed on VersionTracker. I don't see any source.

If you expect someone else to know what you mean by Cobalt, you'll have to be more specific.
Successful complete the task by using

chown33, thank you very much!
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