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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 8, 2016
I have never paid attention to a Mac launch timeline before (only the phones) so i'm not exactly sure how the timeline for this launch will run. Can someone please inform me how the Mac product launch timelines typically look like based off previous year launches?

For example, based on the past years, after the announcement of the new Macs, how long does it typically take before you can pre-order and buy on both Apple's website and sites like Best Buy?

Also, how long does it typically take before stock is readily available to walk-ins?

I own a 2011 MBP, but would like to try and sell it before the new ones are launched so the value doesn't drop too much, and am trying to determine how long i might be without a computer if i sell my current one before the launch.

Any advice or suggestions are very appreciated! :)
Thank you in advance!


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 8, 2016

There was an Oct. 2014 event where they announced the new iMac and that was available the same day. Like I say, just going from memory, I believe this has been true of most of the Mac announcements.
Okay thank you! Hopefully we can purchase next Thursday! :)
and hopefully, there isnt too much demand for this launch since it seems like its been a while for a re-fresh.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011
Yes, they've been doing mostly same-day launches for Macs for ages now. With iPhones and Apple TV, I get the impression delays have to do with hype plus having to work with other companies to ship and deliver the full experience.
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