Hi. I'm new to programing and now understand that to program for Iphone I'll ned knowledge on C language, Objective C, Cocoa and apple's SDK. Where in the UK, Brasil or USA can I take training for this. Is there any university that lectures on this? I'm staring by buying some books but would like to have someone's help and take classes.
I know this has already been answered, but currently Stanford(as an upper div, and if you are in the area i think it would be very difficult to sneak into that classroom as most people who dont even have any knowledge in programming want to make a iPhone app). is the only school that I know of teaching Iphone development classes, but the good thing is that they are accessible on itunes.
Tuaw has a series now dedicated to programming for the mac and iphone, I found article very helpful.
Starting with objective-c
I actually purchased these books, i haven't finished them but the best one so far was Programming in objective-C 2.0(has a chapter or two of iphone development in it as well[someone already put the link to the earlier edition of this book), one of the first few pages the other contradicts the believe that you need to know see to understand C to understanding/learn objective C.
Personally any popular modern OOP(object orientated programming) language should do fine. That the hardest part for beginning programmers, is understanding functions/methods and also how they relate to OOP. functions and methods are the building blocks of modern day programming, if you understand those and how to use them, then its just learning the syntax of the language, and a few other things that the language does itself. One thing that is really helpful is the junk filter OSX has built in. It helps will being memory efficient. the Iphone does not have that feature, so understanding memory management is very important(i believe someone already mentioned it). C does help understanding memory management a little better because it is more low level of the high-level programming languages. Low-level languages(if your not familiar with it) are closer to machine language(0's and 1's). Nothing can be as powerful as writing the 0's and 1's( they all have to be compiled into 0's and 1's and translation sometimes because a problem when it comes to efficiency) but it just would take you way to long to program with todays demands, it takes a lot of code just to add(2+2) compared to higher level where it would just be 2 +2 lol.
I know I said a lot, but I hope it helps
Good Luck, and dont give up.
(there will be days where you want to pull out your hair, especially if your learning it on your own).