Someone told me that if you leave the Powerbook on all nite, OSX runs some automatic maintenance programs much in the vein of Norton-type programs. Is this true, or is this guy joshing me??
Originally posted by fjs08 Someone told me that if you leave the Powerbook on all nite, OSX runs some automatic maintenance programs much in the vein of Norton-type programs. Is this true, or is this guy joshing me??
If you are worried about your machine not running these events, you can run them manually.
Type this from your terminal prompt:
sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
If you only want to do part of the above remove one of the options. I found this and many other useful things by reading the book "Mac OSX hints for Unix Geeks"
just use Cocktail. Free download from Versiontracker.
Personally i leave a computer or two on just because i'm too lazy to turn on a computer in the morning, or if i'm downloading something big.