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Original poster
Feb 17, 2012
My Left Airpod’s Battery seems to be draining faster compared to the right ! Everytime I check the battery status the left one has half of the Battery of the right ? Can someone please tell me why is this happening ? What do I change to prevent it from happening ?

I had the same issue and I was told that you would just have to replace it customer support at told me

I am being told by some guys that it is a potential issue with the AiProds Pro If Hard Resetting does not address the only option is to get it replaced.
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Does it drain more quickly every time you use them, or just on occasion?

Sometimes my left AirPod has a much lower battery level than the right - for whatever reason it does not seem to charge sometimes. Putting it in by itself will charge it back to full and then I add in the second to get them both to 100%. Then they charge normally and drain at the same rate for weeks/months before the left one drops off again.

If it is every use (or most every use), then could be a hardware issue with that AirPod.
My first pair of AirPod Pros had that problem and Apple sent me a replacement left Airpod. It didn’t help and I had the same problem. It turned out that my charging case was bad. The left side had a problem getting a good connection. After they sent me a new case the problem went away.

The problem is that if you call AppleCare and complain about the left Airpod, they will just mindlessly ship you out a left Airpod and not think to consider the case could be the problem.
Everyone who’s noticing the left draining faster,
The first AirPod that’s taken out of the case will have the active mic. And I presume all of you could be picking up the left AirPod first which could be the reason.
Try fully draining the AirPods and the case and then fully charge both.
Pick up the right AirPod first and see if the left one still drains faster.
If the right one drains faster now then you’re in the clear. No need for any replacement.
But if the left still drains faster despite using the right one first over the next couple uses then consider replacing them.
Everyone who’s noticing the left draining faster,
The first AirPod that’s taken out of the case will have the active mic. And I presume all of you could be picking up the left AirPod first which could be the reason.
Try fully draining the AirPods and the case and then fully charge both.
Pick up the right AirPod first and see if the left one still drains faster.
If the right one drains faster now then you’re in the clear. No need for any replacement.
But if the left still drains faster despite using the right one first over the next couple uses then consider replacing them.

I always pick up my right Airpods and still my Left Airpods Battery Drains Twice Faster than the right.
I always pick up my right Airpods and still my Left Airpods Battery Drains Twice Faster than the right.
Try draining both the AirPods and the case completely and charge it back to 100%. And if that still doesn’t solve the unusual behavior, then try replacing the left AirPod assuming of course the case is charging both the Pods as expected.
I'm dealing with this right now also. I can understand if one drains a little faster due to being on a call and the mic being in use, but on a 45 minute call the difference was 20%. My right (mic active) was at 47% and my left was at 68%. Also, this comes from a 100% charge that morning. About 45 minutes usage listening to music, followed by a 45 minute phone call left me at that %. That seems pretty quick to drain, doesn't it?

I also did a reset per Apple's suggestion, and when I re-paired them- it gave them the custom name I did before. So, if I told my phone to forget the device, and I reset the Airpods- how did it know the custom name? 🤷🏻‍♂️
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