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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 27, 2009
Los Angeles
Just like the title said. When i jailbroke my iphone 3gs I of course got the "categories" app, and i placed all my apps in one folder. Well i did a restore and left everything in the folder, so after the restore when i sync with itunes, my apps dont show up on my iphone? Please Help or direct me in the right direction. THANKS!
Just like the title said. When i jailbroke my iphone 3gs I of course got the "categories" app, and i placed all my apps in one folder. Well i did a restore and left everything in the folder, so after the restore when i sync with itunes, my apps dont show up on my iphone? Please Help or direct me in the right direction. THANKS!

You were supposed to take them out of their folders before you do a restore. :)

But doing as jmann suggested will fix your issue. Also check into enabling Parental Controls or something. Search the forums here tho as I know this was addressed a few times. :)
don't worry audx, happens to me all the time...
the icons are just 'poofed'. Download poof from cydia and turn 'off' on the apps that you don't want to be hidden
Go into settings>general>reset>rest home screen layout. That should fix the problem. Or you can restore the phone, and set it up as a new device instead of restoring from a backup. :)

Okk so I did the reset homescreen and it didn't work :( and I really don't want to restore my phone as a new phone cause I don't wana lose everything. Is there any other way? Anyone know the link to the other threads discussing this?

Thanks again for the help!
Settings > General > Restrictions > Enable and then Disable again.
does using categories drain your battery's?

Does it drain my battery's what?


As I understand it, each "folder" created with Categories is actually a self-contained app which displays the normally hidden (poofed) apps "contained" in each. So short answer: no. However, if you enable the "keep resident" feature in the prefs of any given "folder," it will keep those contents in memory for faster reopening, so it will eat up that much more memory, and possibly have a tiny effect on battery life.
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