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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
And it stayed at 100% charge! I was web browsing, sending/reading emails, all on the iPad for hours (even jailbroke it) and it maintained 100% charge while displaying "NOT CHARGING" to the left.

Does it perhaps charge just enough to maintain the current level? Like if you were at 80% would it stay at 80%, but also not drop? Somehow, and I could be wrong, it doesn't seem good for the battery.
Any low power USB can slowly charge the iPad. It can also drip charge the iPad, my iPad charged itself overnight being connected to the computer and saying not charging. Usually can charge when the screen is off, just takes ages!
Surely it would be dangerous if the battery ran out half way through doing an os update or restore, so guessing they make it at least trickle charge so this can't happen?
Surely it would be dangerous if the battery ran out half way through doing an os update or restore, so guessing they make it at least trickle charge so this can't happen?

Not sure if Apple has this feature but on my palm pre, it will not let you start an update if the battery level is low.

But yea, it must be trickle charge. Great for the battery and a nice safety feature while updating/restoring!
My wife says her iPad always displays the "Not Charging" line, but still charges. So I'm not sure what's going on there. I haven't sat down to verify it at all.
Not charging means there is not enough power to fill up the battery, there is enough though to supply power to run the device.

But when you plug the iPad into a Mac, it will charge as normal.

Seems like something may be built in or programed into the iPad to prevent it from charging normally on PC's.
Wow, this has been discussed infinitely.
It will charge on many pcs, but if the screen is ON, thus you can see the 'Not Charging' then it is not charging. It takes power to light the screen, and doesn't charge on lower USB ports when the screen is on.
So, we have,
SCREEN OFF = Charging, but probably slowly.
But when you plug the iPad into a Mac, it will charge as normal.

Seems like something may be built in or programed into the iPad to prevent it from charging normally on PC's.

There were lots of talks about this issue back when the first iPads came out in April. Try googling "ipad usb not charging" and you'll get lots of links. But basically, it's not anything intentional on Apple's part, just that some older USB ports don't supply enough power to charge the iPad. Also, people were saying that while the iPad wouldn't charge from these older USB ports while the display was on (hence the "no charging" indicator), it does charge slowly when the display is off. But of course, when the display is off, there's no indicator saying whether it's charging or not.

I've just learned not to fret about the battery when I have the iPad hooked up to a computer, having it hooked up all day isn't going to harm the battery whether it charges or not, and when I want to be sure it charges, I just plug it into the wall charger.
I've just learned not to fret about the battery when I have the iPad hooked up to a computer, having it hooked up all day isn't going to harm the battery whether it charges or not, and when I want to be sure it charges, I just plug it into the wall charger.

Ditto, the battery life on the iPad is truly awesome. 20% left? that's plenty.
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