Their web site on one page states this: 803.926.1555 õ Columbia, SC õ In business since 1990 õ
However, on their home page it states this: Greetings, and thanks for stopping by. We've been in business since 1989,
So is it 89 or 90? If they can't get their scam story right then what (or who) else will they screw up?
The web site is pretty crappy...
and this seems like a sketchy policy...1. Any item sold as working is guaranteed non-DOA. If it is DOA (dead upon arrival), we will replace or refund at our discretion, UNLESS it was purchased without shipping insurance. Please purchase shipping insurance--it really is worth $1 or $2 on an item worth hundreds! Shipping insurance collection is the obligation of the purchaser.
My question is this- why would insurance change anything? Oh yeah, it is a way for them to say they didn't mess up the computer- go to UPS or Fed Ex and try and get a new computer out of them. Ha!
I say, if you have to ask don't buy! There are so many other reputable companies out there to buy from - all it takes is one scam in a life time to cost you more than you would save buying a cheaper mac each time you purchase. (For example, if you get scammed for $1200 machine lets say- you would have to be saving $300 on each computer purchase four times to break even! Not worth it in my book!)