Red, I’m with you! I've run into many situations where text disappears and I cannot undo to get it back! It's also very frustrating typing on the default virtual keyboard. Make too ,any mistakes, especially on the iPad. Do better on the iPod touch or iPhone — I think becuSe I use my index finger rather than my thumbs — and type more slowly. I tried a couple of those slide your finger around virtualmleyboards,mbut they didn’t work that well, either. But maybe I need to revisit them a, [sic: !]
WARNING: Long ramble ahead.
bpBut the worst thing is Apple's error-prone auto-correction! It mis-corrects words, corrects words bu removes spaces (such as after commas),or puts in extra spaces,adds capital letters in the wRong place, and usually doesn't knowmhow to correctvwords where you've inadvertently hitza letter thanes than the space are [sic: spacebar]. AC is till better than nothing because of how many errors I make typingnon the VK.
Apple should license or buy — or, simply reverse engineer — Microsoft Word's spell checker and use it for its auto-correct system! Word almost always knows what you mean and how to fix errors; it's [sic] accuracy is uncanny.
The absolute,Ute worst thing about Apple's auto-correct systemcis how it handles apostrophes, especially possessives. Its is routinely changed into It's. Type something such as “The dog fetched its ball” and it'll come out “The dog fetched it's ball”. “It’s dogjljse [sic: doghouse] is right over there.“
“Its holdings” becomes “it's holdings”.
They,re missing the boat; e.g., when one hits a comma and doesn't hold it down long enough for the apostrophe, Apple's AC does nothing and leaves the roe ! [sic: error] So, they're comes out as they,re and we're comes out as we,re.
The errors abound (I.e., in always wanting to capitalize the letter “I” [sic] or in hand,ing standard abbreviations — right there in i.e.!).
One big problem is that there is no way of editing the AC system — slelectively dep,lying it — or, in most cases, automatically overriding it, such as with text shortcuts. (Those are still worth setting up as they do fix many AC errors.)
Apple has improved it, though. It used to change
“It's great” into “It' segregated”.
“It's also” became “It' salsa”
It's just plain = It' squat plain
“It's not” ---> “It' snot”
It's ridiculous = Apple's auto-correct system!
A multi-billion dollar company with some of the smartest people on the planet can surely design an auto-correct system that can handle apostrophes properly And is much, much more accurate.
Thping on a Bluetooth physical keyboard, even an undersized one, is a great improvement, but it's a hassle digging it out of the desk, or going where it is, pairing it, and typing — at that point,mit'd be easier to use the Mac. But there goes the comfort and enjoyment of the iPad formmfactorL!
Note: Didmnot bother fixing seversl of the errors to show what often goes wrong. 😁