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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 8, 2006
Sometimes here mostly there
So I decided to get myself some decent camera. lets make it clear. I've never had any SLR, just point and shot cameras. Curently Im using Canon digital Elph 800 IS. I dont know much about lenses and all those numbers in front of lens name means nothing to me. Its gonna be for fun only but maybe down the road I will feel like upgrading my camera so wanted some really good and vesitale lenses. For now ONE lens would be perfect.
I was thinking
What do you guys think?? Is it good enough to be The Only One for now?? Or what would you eventually suggest??


Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002


macrumors 65816
Wow. Big spender. Yeah that is fairly decent lens. I have the 24-70L, which, some will argue is slightly sharper. The reason I got the 24-70 is that it has an extra f stop (i.e. it's a faster glass), but the 24-105 has IS and is longer. I figured I won't bore you with, the typical "get an advanced P&S," "try the lower end SLRs," "Nikon is better rhettoric." You'll hear enough of that from others. If you really don't know much about lenses, check out Bryan Peterson's Understanding Exposure, great book for beginners, and check out Practical Photography, which is a great magazine. If you go to their webpage, and create a free account, you'll get access to a couple of starter editions, which are great.
and the book

Further on, you might want to get one of the 70-200L series lenses, and some primes (50, 100 macro, and a wide-angle zoom (either the 16-35 or the 17-40)). Have fun


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 8, 2006
Sometimes here mostly there
Thanx!! Big spender?:rolleyes: No not so much but I prefer to buy once but better quality. I got tired of all problems that my 800Is and all its limitations. And I also think that lenses are more important than camera itself. You can always get better, faster and higher resolution but lenses you can keep...
So I understand after browsing pages you linked me that its pretty decent choice as for the first and for now only lens that will buy with camera.


macrumors 65816
Thanx!! Big spender?:rolleyes: No not so much but I prefer to buy once but better quality. I got tired of all problems that my 800Is and all its limitations. And I also think that lenses are more important than camera itself. You can always get better, faster and higher resolution but lenses you can keep...
So I understand after browsing pages you linked me that its pretty decent choice as for the first and for now only lens that will buy with camera.

That would be correct. One of their finer standard zooms. The 30D- not too shabby either.;) I looked at it for a while, but finally went with the 5D.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
For now ONE lens would be perfect.
I was thinking
What do you guys think?? Is it good enough to be The Only One for now?? Or what would you eventually suggest??

You've picked a very good quality lens. Not cheap, but excellent imaging quality. It's actually a toss-up: the 24-70mm f/2.8 gives you an extra stop, but it doesn't have IS; the 24-105 is only f/4, but it has IS and is significantly lighter and cheaper.

Either is an excellent choice.

I would suggest you consider supplementing it with the EF-S 10-22mm; there are times when 24mm will prove to be not quite wide enough, at which point you'd swap over to the 10-22mm. You don't have to do that straight away, though; play with the camera and the 24-105, and you can get the 10-22mm when you understand the utility of having a wider lens in the bag, rather than spending the money right off the bat.


macrumors newbie
May 30, 2006
yeah that is an excellent lens, i actually got it last week from B&H. It has great everyday range and gives superb images. I have a 17-40L f4 but its too short for everyday use and portraits and a 70-200 f2.8 L is was i love but is a beast to carry around all day
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