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macrumors 68040
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... that the Apple techs replace my thermal grease the proper way. Thats right, It took me a long 2 hours on the phone with the product specialist before I finally convinced him to have my thermal grease checked out. Pray. PRAY!!!!
Arrgh, this is killing me. The week my new RAM is due is the same week that my MBP will be taking a vacation!

*sacrifices a burrito to the Apple gods*

If my MBP comes back cooler running than it left, I will know that you all had me in your preyers. And for that I thank you. :)
Good luck, hope it all goes well! I don't have a burrito to sacrifice in the name of your MBP, but I *do* have some tofu dogs in front of me, which I will sacrifice instead. I read somewhere that Steve is vegan? Maybe? Not sure about that. Better safe than sorry!
Kingsly said:
*hugs MBP, gets burned*
So true! I haven't been able to convince them yet that its a problem directly related to the thermal grease, he just said that it might be. I have to bring mine in so that apple people can feel the underside. The fact that it gets to 85C isn't enough for him.
excalibur313 said:
So true! I haven't been able to convince them yet that its a problem directly related to the thermal grease, he just said that it might be. I have to bring mine in so that apple people can feel the underside. The fact that it gets to 85C isn't enough for him.
I spoke to a product specialist for about two hours, citing IO burn's data, offering to e-mail him the pics, citing my own collected data, AMD and Intel whitepapers describing the proper application of thermal paste, The macBook Pro service manual's faulty instructions, and I explained how the MBP monitors itself, and that It cant know when to activate the fans because heat is not going to the temp sensor, which is mounted on the heatpipe. They caved... I should have the shipping box tomorrow. :)

P.S. Im typing this with the MBP on my belly... my face, arms and, of course, my torso are all major-ly sweaty. Arrgh! Oh, and I think I burned my wrist.
Kingsly said:
P.S. Im typing this with the MBP on my belly... my face, arms and, of course, my torso are all major-ly sweaty. Arrgh! Oh, and I think I burned my wrist.

Do you enjoying self-inflicted pain & discomfort Kingsly? :confused: ;) :D
Oh gosh I'm so nervous. This is what the Apple manual suggests. Below is what arctic silver suggests. I hope the guy fixing my MBP knows what he's doing.


  • as2glob.jpg
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livingfortoday said:
Good luck, hope it all goes well! I don't have a burrito to sacrifice in the name of your MBP, but I *do* have some tofu dogs in front of me, which I will sacrifice instead. I read somewhere that Steve is vegan? Maybe? Not sure about that. Better safe than sorry!
Steve isn't vegan.

He's a pescetarian, meaning he's like a vegetarian, but on occasion he eats fish. I've heard rumors that he was a vegetarian in his younger years, but I don't know if that's true.

I'm a nerd*. :cool:

*Well, as a liberal not-Buddhist-but-like-one vegetarian nerd, it intrigues me that someone like Steve, a liberal, Buddhist pescetarian nerd, can become CEO of a major American company. Eh... yeah.

By the way, have you ever tried those veggie corn dogs? Those are damn good 'dogs. :)
Kingsly said:
Oh gosh I'm so nervous. This is what the Apple manual suggests. Below is what arctic silver suggests. I hope the guy fixing my MBP knows what he's doing.

Send them that picture in the box, just to remind them.
Okay, i'm just waiting for DHL to pick it up.
Here is a copy of the letter I included with the MBP:
As was determined by myself and the Apple product specialist with which I spoke on the phone, the excessive heat emitted by my MacBook Pro is most likely caused by improper application of thermal interface materiel between the CPU die and the heat pipe. This apparently causes the improper transmission of heat to the heat pipe and therefore incorrect readings by the thermal sensor which, as you probably know, is located on said heat pipe. The MacBook Pro is blissfully unaware of the situation and does not activate the fans, leading to the original problem.

I am sure you are already aware of this, but the proper application of thermal paste relies on the smallest, thinnest amount possible. Contrary to the MacBook Pro service manual (which calls for an entire syringe full-any google search would prove this incorrect), less than a pea sized amount, spread evenly into a paper thin layer over the heat pipe pad should be more than enough to facilitate proper transmission of heat.

Finally, I would like to assure you that I am in no way trying to tell you how to do your job or questioning your skill. You, after all, are the Apple certified technician, not me! I merely want to ensure the proper application of thermal paste the first time, as I would hate to go without my beloved machine a second time.

Thank you,
Duncan O'Bryan

I am hoping (praying in fact!) that they just toss in a new logic board with the upgraded 2.0 core duo.
Best of luck! I hope they fix this problem when the merom processors make it into the mbp's since that's what i'm getting for college (almost a month into college when paris rolls around not including shipping/availability time!).
Stupid question but do you really think that the thermal paste is the problem? One of the reporters on the MacDev network on O'Reilly's website decided to test the thermal paste issue out with 2 MacBook Pros with a spot of Arctic Silver and found that replacing the thermal paste only made about 2 degrees difference. In contrast, not reconnecting the heat management sensor correctly such that the fans ran all the time made the system run practically cold and the sound, apparently, wasn't really that annoying (although he did reconnect the sensor after a couple of days). Given this I really wouldn't get your hopes up. Rather, it sounds as though the issue can better be addressed in software by adjusting the temperatures that cause the system fans to kick-in.
In case you're wondering: I got it back.

They replaced the top case (incl. iSight), 120GB HDD, and heatpipe (again)


It feels hotter. :eek:

I haven't taken any solid temp readings, but the darn thing is Really Freaking Hot™
I tell you, if I can get it up to temp at an Apple store and have a genius feel it I will be given a new one. Its really unacceptable. The only thing thats preventing me from doing so is Merom. ;)

oops, I almost forgot to mention: I am referring to the second repair. The OP refers to the first time they took it in - which other than fixing my keyboard was completely useless.
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