please respond if u do or don't have a problem such as:
~dead Pixel
~black light bleed
only problem is that i can't stop staring at the gorgeous screen![]()
The biggest problem I have with it is that it doesn't come in 30" versions with 8GB of RAM and a desktop quad core processor.
I am awaiting my third one now. First had half inch blue line in it that would intermittently come and go, and massive screen light leakage. second is almost perfect. but has one very annoying white hotspot on dark backgrounds (light leakage). I bought unit with intension of watching movies on it and such and this was a deal breaker.
I initiated round three today so on monday I should be able to schedule this to be picked up by fedex and will await unit three. I will add that my first two were purchased through apple's refurb store online and if unit three is not acceptable, I will demand full refund and attempt to purchase something brand new.
I will also say that apple has been great and even offered me a new ipod or headphones or a ipod case and like an idiot I didn't take them up on it. I just want a working acceptable computer. I can accept a level of light leakage if it is diffused enough. but this is like a spotlight coming from the back of the screen.
I know good units exist. We have 2 24 inch imacs at work. a 2.4 ghz and a 2.8 ghz and both are perfect in every way (no gradient and no light leakage) and are used a lot harder than I will ever push one at home.
I hope to get a good one. I love the design and It is a very fast unit. the video card is also very good for a casual gamer. I loaded america's army on it for my nephew and at full resolution it looked and played beautiful. Even with the light leakage, the screen was stunning.
So we will see. I will report back...
This is amazing most people have no screen problems
This is amazing most people have no screen problems
I think the only problem I have is the screen isn't strong enough to beat the OP over the head with.
no matter what the product is you will always hear tons about every problem that exists even if only a select number of individuals ever experience this problem. Very rarely do people just start a thread about how wonderful the screen is of their brand new iMac, rather the threads are dominated with doomsday stories of bad screens. So yes good screens do exist and in plentiful quantities!!
This poll won't reveal how many people have iMac screen problems. At best, it can only reveal responses of the people who come to this site, see the poll, and decide to participate. That's almost none of the total number of people who've purchased an iMac.
Well, if you knew that, why did you post the poll?????????
I just received my 24" iMac about a week ago. There is a gray horizontal bar in the upper right hand corner of my screen. When moving a window from the right to left side of the screen it becomes noticeably brighter. I am very disappointed in this and for the money spent I should not be having this issue. I will be calling Apple tomorrow to see about a replacement!