Let's get it Dev-Team! T-mobile customer patiently waiting... Anyone else getting impatient?
impatient? They have no obligation to unlock and share how to for us..they do it out of the goodness!
I am just glad that when they find out how to unlock it, that they share how to for free.
3.0 is already jailbroken. there is only a windows version of quickpwn right now.
my god, all this sensitivity is getting out of control. i didn't mean it like that. im just saying i can't wait til they reveal the unlock for 3.0. don't get your panties in a bunch. and i have donated money already to the Dev-Team.
my god, all this sensitivity is getting out of control. i didn't mean it like that. im just saying i can't wait til they reveal the unlock for 3.0. don't get your panties in a bunch. and i have donated money already to the Dev-Team.
I wonder who's crack habit you funded.
Let's get it Dev-Team! T-mobile customer patiently waiting... Anyone else getting impatient?
ok i did lie. i havent donated :-D but i do appreciate what the Dev-Team does and i can't wait til i can upgrade my unlocked iphone 3g to 3.0!
LMAO, He is lying, he didn't donate anything as the Dev team clearly states that they accept no donations.