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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 4, 2006
My emac has been acting strange lately, the latest of the occurances being that throughout the computer (dock, internet, and itunes all at once) random letters from words began dissapearing. I restarted the computer and it went away. What is happening, should I start seriously backing things up and reformatting (I've never done this, wouldn't even know how.)?
Could you post a screenshot? I've never heard of anything like that. Were the letters just absent from the word with no other indication of anything being wrong, or was there a blank space where there should have been a letter?

It seems like a random bug thats nothing to worry about, especially if its only happened once. But you should have an up-to-date backup anyway.
Sorry, I didn't think to take a screenshot, I just panicked and immediately went to restart it. The letters were randomly gone from a word, so the word Don't was D n't and Address appeared as addre , spaces appeared where the letters should be.
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