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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 26, 2006
So I downloaded Lexicon (a language-learning app with apparently 70+ languages supported, although that's misleading since only a few other-language dictionaries are actually there). However, I made a fatal assumption about it, which I wanted to warn people about, in case they make the same mistake.

From the description, and the sample images shown, it looked like it would give you a series of flash cards and quizzes to learn words. Well, it does -- but what I didn't realize is that you have to look up the words on your own and create your own flash cards. Nothing is "taught" to you -- you're just teaching yourself.

Which is fine, I guess...but not for $10. I want to casually learn new languages, but this app is WAY too much work for me to want to use it. Since I'm a beginner, I don't even know where to start with what to learn. The app works where YOU have to look up whatever word you want to learn (and it just gives you ONE word options, too -- so if you're looking up an English word that can have multiple meanings depending on the context, you just have to hope and pray you're getting the right word). And then once you have the word you want, the word can be used in a flash card and quiz later. But in order to learn a lot, you have to WORK a lot with finding the words, and creating each individual flash card. There are no preset groupings of words that are given to you to learn. There are no levels of difficulty, or learning of grammar, or anything that useful. It's just a glorified flash-card creator.

Again, that's fine....but hardly worth $10. Something like this should be $1-2 MAX. If there were actual lessons/words GIVEN to me to learn, this app would be totally worth the money. I'd pay $20 or more if it did this, and still supported all the languages it says it does. But now, I don't think I'll ever really use it that much.

Looking over the description again, it doesn't really say that it does what I assumed it would -- so I'm not crying foul or anything. I'm just saying that in my opinion, it's way too expensive for what it is -- and I would hope others didn't make the same mistake I did. Had I known more of what it was, or been able to preview the app before buying, I wouldn't have bothered -- and just gotten a more extensive, single-language learning app instead.
I've thought about this app more, and I really think that even just adding some sort of random flash card generator would make this app a LOT more worthwhile, and should be easy for the developer to do. Not exactly a perfect fix (multi-leveled "lessons" would be the most ideal), but better than nothing. Anything to lessen all the setup and guesswork would be an improvement.

Yeah, yeah...I admit this is my sad attempt at hoping the developer will read this, update the app, and make me feel like I didn't waste my money... :eek:
I'm looking for a flash card app, and read this. The fact that the developer didn't (he had more than two years to do so) makes it clear to me that he isn't paying enough attention. So, this app goes into the "do not buy" bin. Sad.
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