(https://store.apple.com/Catalog/Images/worldwidewarranty.html)This Limited Warranty applies only to hardware products manufactured by or for Apple that can be identified by the “Apple” trade mark, trade name, or logo affixed to them. The Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-Apple hardware products or any software, even if packaged or sold with Apple hardware. Manufacturers, suppliers or publishers, other than Apple, may provide their own warranties to the end user purchaser, but Apple, in so far as permitted by law, provides their products “as is”.
Yes, unfortunately you have to deal with LG.
(You may recall the sales of good regulations in the UK that give the consumer the right to a repair 'from the retailer', but in this case, by referring you to LG for service, Apple are fulfilling their responsibility.)
Good luck getting it sorted. Keep us posted.
Unfortunately it's all through LG after the return period is up. I don't believe buying AppleCare with the a mac and an LG Display covers the LG display
Ah, that's a good result then. Hopefully you get a fast turnaround time.You're right, I called LG and they are sending DPD out for a collection soon.
Ah, that's a good result then. Hopefully you get a fast turnaround time.
(As an aside, this is why I always keep the boxes for my things... can you imagine having to try find something to safely pack an LG 5K!)
How did this go in the end?
What a pain! But it is all working now? Did they say what was wrong with it?It was a right balls up. LG sent DPD to pick up at work. First time the box for packaging was too small. The second time they went to the wrong address. The third time they came with a bag, so I told them to just use the box and return it to me. In the end it only took about 3 days to return it to me. But a real hassle with getting it to them.