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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 21, 2002
I was just wondering if theres any way I can make it so the screen just turns off when I close the lid and not make it go to sleep.

Could you tell us what mac you have? It is possible to do this with a 12 inch powerbook I think.
i'd love to be able to use itunes with headphones when you close the lid, that would be ace. Saves shelling out on an iPod too!

This should work on everything but the iBook:

Close the lid, let it sleep.

Plug/unplug something - anything from USB.

She'll wake right up. Closed.

Now you need a keyboard and maybe a monitor to start the music!
Ya it does work, i use my 12" like this - plug in mouse, keyboard, moniter and leave it closed, beautiful.
awesome, it just so happens I have a 12 inch

awesome, it just so happens I have a 12 inch,

the above method about usb devices kind of works with the iBook except it doesn't stay awake :) so you either keep hittign something or deal with the fact that you can't close the lid and use it. I do the latter.

Well, the reason for the iBook's behavior is that it's not 100% efficient at heat dissipation when closed - the iBook's material is a terrible heat conductor.

However those with the 12PB have already noted how hot it gets - aluminum is a terrific heat conductor. Most heat sinks are made of aluminum anyway. So the skin of the 12PB is a part of the cooling.

I'm glad Apple hasn't come out with a CopperBook - That'd be one hot mutha!
i under stand the heat issues but i had to post my experience anyway. I"m not questioning because typcialyl i have no qualms jsut turning down the darkness or flipping on my iPod. I also think with the size and durable case of the iBook apple is trying to avoid iPod like use by this feature. Its not liek running itunes on battery power would create much heat if the screen was off imo.
Problems using 12" instead of Ipod

Originally posted by mrjamin
i'd love to be able to use itunes with headphones when you close the lid, that would be ace. Saves shelling out on an iPod too!

I tried the advice with my 12" by putting my pointer on the iTunes play button and then closing the lid. I plugged in a mouse and clicked the mouse once and viola music with the lid closed. Unfortunately the music only lasts a few seconds before it turns off again. Any idea? It would be great to throw this in a bag and listen via headphones. Or what about a usb remote. If someone could get this to work I would love to know how to do it. Thanks.
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