Hello. I am new to this forum and new to macs. Well i am actually so new, I don't even have one yet. I think I have most questions answered but was wondering two things. I tried to search for my first question but didn't find a answer. Of course maybe I didn't search correctly, so if this has been beaten to death, I'm sorry.
1. How long of a life do you think I would get with a iMac? I know no one has a crystal ball ( maybe you do ? ). No can say for sure, but in general? Not how long before they die, but how long before they are considered outdated? If they are like my PC's, they never die, just get to old. I seem get about 5 years on a PC before I feel a upgrade is needed. More or less the same for the iMac?
2. This one I didn't search and the answer is probably somewhere. Here it goes anyways. I understand Time Machine saves to a hard drive. I can have it save to a external hard drive. But can it share the hard drive? Can I say partition it so 250 gig goes to Time machine and 250 gig goes to store music etc?
Thank you for your help.
1. How long of a life do you think I would get with a iMac? I know no one has a crystal ball ( maybe you do ? ). No can say for sure, but in general? Not how long before they die, but how long before they are considered outdated? If they are like my PC's, they never die, just get to old. I seem get about 5 years on a PC before I feel a upgrade is needed. More or less the same for the iMac?
2. This one I didn't search and the answer is probably somewhere. Here it goes anyways. I understand Time Machine saves to a hard drive. I can have it save to a external hard drive. But can it share the hard drive? Can I say partition it so 250 gig goes to Time machine and 250 gig goes to store music etc?
Thank you for your help.